Running page runners
- GitHub Actions manages automatic synchronization of runs and generation of new pages.
- Gatsby-generated static pages, fast
- Support for Vercel (recommended) and GitHub Pages automated deployment
- React Hooks
- Mapbox for map display
- Supports most sports apps such as nike strava...
automatically backup gpx data for easy backup and uploading to other software.
Note: If you don't want to make the data public, you can choose strava's fuzzy processing, or private repositories.
- Garmin
- Garmin-CN
- Nike Run Club
- Strava
- Nike_to_Strava(Using NRC Run, Strava backup data)
- Tcx_to_Strava(upload all tcx data to strava)
- Gpx_to_Strava(upload all gpx data to strava)
- Garmin_to_Strava(Using Garmin Run, Strava backup data)
- Strava_to_Garmin(Using Strava Run, Garmin backup data)
Clone or fork the repo.
git clone --depth=1
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
yarn install
yarn develop
Open your browser and visit http://localhost:8000/
docker build -t running_page:latest . --build-arg app=NRC --build-arg nike_refresh_token=""
# Garmin
docker build -t running_page:latest . --build-arg app=Garmin --build-arg email="" --build-arg password=""
# Garmin-CN
docker build -t running_page:latest . --build-arg app=Garmin-CN --build-arg email="" --build-arg password=""
# Strava
docker build -t running_page:latest . --build-arg app=Strava --build-arg client_id="" --build-arg client_secret="" --build-arg refresh_token=""
docker build -t running_page:latest . --build-arg app=Nike_to_Strava --build-arg nike_refresh_token="" --build-arg client_id="" --build-arg client_secret="" --build-arg refresh_token=""
docker run -itd -p 80:80 running_page:latest
Open your browser and visit localhost:80
If you use English please change
IS_CHINESE = false
Suggested changes to your own Mapbox token
- Find
in the repository directory, find the following content, and change it to what you want.
siteMetadata: {
siteTitle: 'Running Page', #website title
siteUrl: '', #website url
logo: '', #logo img
description: 'Personal site and blog',
navLinks: [
name: 'Blog', #navigation name
url: '', #navigation url
name: 'About',
url: '',
- Modifying styling in
// styling: set to `false` if you want to disable dash-line route
const USE_DASH_LINE = true;
// styling: route line opacity: [0, 1]
const LINE_OPACITY = 0.4;
- privacy protection
setting flowing env:
IGNORE_START_END_RANGE = 200 # ignore distance for each polyline start and end.
IGNORE_RANGE = 200 # ignore meters for each point in below polyline.
IGNORE_POLYLINE = ktjrFoemeU~IorGq}DeB # a polyline include point you want to ignore.
# Do filter before saving to database, you will lose some data, but you can protect your privacy, when you using public repo. enable for set 1, disable via unset.
You can using this, to making your IGNORE_POLYLINE
Download your running data and do not forget to generate svg in total
Make your GPX
Copy all your gpx files to GPX_OUT or new gpx files
python3(python) scripts/
Make your TCX
Copy all your tcx files to TCX_OUT or new tcx files
python3(python) scripts/
Make your FIT
Copy all your tcx files to FIT_OUT or new fit files
python3(python) scripts/
Get your Garmin
If you only want to sync `type running` add args --only-run
If you only want tcx
files add args --tcx
If you only want fit
files add args --fit
python3(python) scripts/ ${your email} ${your password}
python3(python) scripts/ example
python3(python) scripts/ example --only-run
Get your Garmin-CN
If you only want to sync `type running` add args --only-run
If you only want tcx
files add args --tcx
If you only want fit
files add args --fit
python3(python) scripts/ ${your email} ${your password} --is-cn
python3(python) scripts/ example --is-cn
Get your Nike Run Club
Please note: When you choose to deploy running_page on your own server, due to Nike has blocked some IDC's IP band, maybe your server cannot sync Nike Run Club's data correctly and display
403 error
, then you have to change another way to host it.
Get Nike's refresh_token
- Login Nike website
- In Develop -> Application-> Storage -> look for
- Execute in the root directory:
python3(python) scripts/ ${nike refresh_token}
python3(python) scripts/ eyJhbGciThiMTItNGIw******
Get your Strava
Sign in/Sign up Strava account
Open after successful Signin Strava Developers -> Create & Manage Your App
My API Application
: Enter the following information
Created successfully:
- Use the link below to request all permissions: Replace
in the link withMy API Application
Client ID${your_id}&response_type=code&redirect_uri=http://localhost/exchange_token&approval_prompt=force&scope=read_all,profile:read_all,activity:read_all,profile:write,activity:write
- Get the
value in the link
- Use
: Execute inTerminal/iTerm
curl -X POST \
-F client_id=${Your Client ID} \
-F client_secret=${Your Client Secret} \
-F code=${Your Code} \
-F grant_type=authorization_code
curl -X POST \
-F client_id=12345 \
-F client_secret=b21******d0bfb377998ed1ac3b0 \
-F code=d09******b58abface48003 \
-F grant_type=authorization_code
- Sync
The first time you synchronize Strava data you need to change line 12 of the code False to True in, and then change it to False after it finishes running. If you only want to sync
type running
add args --only-run
python3(python) scripts/ ${client_id} ${client_secret} ${refresh_token}
upload all tcx files to strava
- follow the strava steps
- copy all your tcx files to TCX_OUT
- Execute in the root directory:
python3(python) scripts/ ${client_id} ${client_secret} ${strava_refresh_token}
python3(python) scripts/ xxx xxx xxx
python3(python) scripts/ xxx xxx xxx --all
- if you want to all files add args
upload all gpx files to strava
- follow the strava steps
- copy all your gpx files to GPX_OUT
- Execute in the root directory:
python3(python) scripts/ ${client_id} ${client_secret} ${strava_refresh_token}
python3(python) scripts/ xxx xxx xxx
python3(python) scripts/ xxx xxx xxx --all
- if you want to all files add args
Get your Nike Run Club
data and upload to strava
- follow the nike and strava steps
- Execute in the root directory:
python3(python) scripts/ ${nike_refresh_token} ${client_id} ${client_secret} ${strava_refresh_token}
python3(python) scripts/ eyJhbGciThiMTItNGIw****** xxx xxx xxx
Get your Garmin
data and upload to strava
- finish garmin and strava setps
- Execute in the root directory:
python3(python) scripts/ ${client_id} ${client_secret} ${strava_refresh_token} ${garmin_email} ${garmin_password} --is-cn
python3(python) scripts/ xxx xxx xxx xx xxx
Get your Strava
data and upload to Garmin
- finish garmin and strava setps, at the same time, you need to add additional strava config in Github Actions secret:
- Execute in the root directory:
python3(python) scripts/ ${{ secrets.STRAVA_CLIENT_ID }} ${{ secrets.STRAVA_CLIENT_SECRET }} ${{ secrets.STRAVA_CLIENT_REFRESH_TOKEN }} ${{ secrets.GARMIN_EMAIL }} ${{ secrets.GARMIN_PASSWORD }} ${{ secrets.STRAVA_EMAIL }} ${{ secrets.STRAVA_PASSWORD }}
if your garmin account region is China, you need to execute the command:
python3(python) scripts/ ${{ secrets.STRAVA_CLIENT_ID }} ${{ secrets.STRAVA_CLIENT_SECRET }} ${{ secrets.STRAVA_CLIENT_REFRESH_TOKEN }} ${{ secrets.GARMIN_CN_EMAIL }} ${{ secrets.GARMIN_CN_PASSWORD }} ${{ secrets.STRAVA_EMAIL }} ${{ secrets.STRAVA_PASSWORD }} --is-cn
If you want to add Garmin Device during sync, you should add --use_fake_garmin_device
argument, this will add a Garmin Device (Garmin Forerunner 245 by default, and you can change device in
) in synced Garmin workout record, this is essential when you want to sync the workout record to other APP like Keep, JoyRun etc.

the final command will be:
python3(python) scripts/ ${{ secrets.STRAVA_CLIENT_ID }} ${{ secrets.STRAVA_CLIENT_SECRET }} ${{ secrets.STRAVA_CLIENT_REFRESH_TOKEN }} ${{ secrets.GARMIN_CN_EMAIL }} ${{ secrets.GARMIN_CN_PASSWORD }} ${{ secrets.STRAVA_EMAIL }} ${{ secrets.STRAVA_PASSWORD }} --use_fake_garmin_device
ps: when initializing for the first time, if you have a large amount of strava data, some data may fail to upload, just retry several times.
Running data display
- Generate SVG data display
- Display of results:Click to view、Click to view
python scripts/ --from-db --title "${{ env.TITLE }}" --type github --athlete "${{ env.ATHLETE }}" --special-distance 10 --special-distance2 20 --special-color yellow --special-color2 red --output assets/github.svg --use-localtime --min-distance 0.5
python scripts/ --from-db --title "${{ env.TITLE_GRID }}" --type grid --athlete "${{ env.ATHLETE }}" --output assets/grid.svg --min-distance 10.0 --special-color yellow --special-color2 red --special-distance 20 --special-distance2 40 --use-localtime
Generate year circular svg show
python3(python) scripts/ --from-db --type circular --use-localtime
For more display effects, see:
Use Vercel
to deploy
- vercel connects to your GitHub repo.
- import repo
- Awaiting completion of deployment
- Visits
Use Cloudflare
to deploy
Create a project
to connect to your Repo. -
After clicking
Begin setup
, modify Project'sBuild settings
. -
Framework preset
Scroll down, click
Environment variables
, then variable below:Variable name =
, Value =3.7
Save and Deploy
Deploy to GitHub Pages
If you are using a custom domain for GitHub Pages, open .github/workflows/gh-pages.yml, change
value to the domain name of your site. -
(Skip this step if you're NOT using a custom domain) Modify
, changepathPrefix
value to the root path. If the repository name isrunning_page
, the value will be/running_page
. -
Go to repository's
Actions -> Workflows -> All Workflows
, choosePublish GitHub Pages
from the left panel, clickRun workflow
. Make sure the workflow runs without errors, andgh-pages
branch is created. -
Go to repository's
Settings -> GitHub Pages -> Source
, chooseBranch: gh-pages
, clickSave
Modifying information in GitHub Actions
Actions source code The following steps need to be taken
- change to your app type and info
- Add your secret in repo Settings > Secrets (add only the ones you need).
- My secret is as follows
- Go to repository's
Settings -> Code and automation -> Actions ->General
, Scroll to the bottom, findWorkflow permissions
, choose the first optionRead and write permissions
, clickSave
Storing Data Files in GitHub Cache
is set to true
in the run_data_sync.yml
file, the script can store fetched and intermediate data files in the GitHub Action cache. This helps keep your GitHub commit history and directory clean.
If you are deploying using GitHub Pages, it is recommended to set this value to true
, and set BUILD_GH_PAGES
to true.
If you are using Vercel
, you need to perform the following steps in the Vercel dashboard:
- In the
section ofBuild & Development Settings
, chooseOther
as theFramework Preset
, and then enable all the overrides, leaving the command line content empty.
- In the Git module, enter
as theProduction Branch
Branch name.
- Set the
to true, inrun_data_sync.yml
supported manufacturer:
- Garmin
- magene
- Complete this document.
- Support Garmin, Garmin China
- support for nike+strava
- Support English
- Refine the code
- add new features
- tests
- support the world map
- support multiple types, like hiking, biking~
- support for Zeep life
- Any Issues PR welcome.
- You can PR share your Running page in README I will merge it.
Before submitting PR:
- Format Python code with
(black .
- @flopp great repo GpxTrackPoster
- @danpalmer UI design
- @shaonianche icon design and doc
- @geekplux Friendly help and encouragement, refactored the whole front-end code, learned a lot
- @MFYDev Wiki
- @gongzili456 for motorcycle version
- @ben-29 for different types support
- @geekplux for different types support
Just enjoy it~
Strava API Rate Limit Exceeded. Retry after 100 seconds
Strava API Rate Limit Timeout. Retry in 799.491622 seconds