
Penetration tesing infrastructure as a code

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Penetration tesing infrastructure as a code

Based on https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/azurerm/r/virtual_machine.html

OS - Ubuntu


Terraform installed, path to terraform executable exists within PATH OS variable.


Create service principal in Azure subscription

Edit env.sh and replace SUBSCRITION ID, App ID, PASSWORD, TENANT_ID with obtained values.

terraform init
terraform apply -var="var1=val1" -var="var2=val2"


Name Default value Description
allowednet all networks IPv4 CIDR network address (or single IP) allowed co connect to public IP
srvcount 1 amount of VMs to be created
prefix "pentesting" prefix which will be used in all names including resource group and tags
location "westus2" location for resources, can be obtained by az account list-locations --query '[].{Name.name}'
vmsize "Standard_DS1_v2" VM size, can be obtained by az vm list-sizes --location LOCATION --query '[].{Name:name}' in chosen LOCATION
sku "18.04-LTS" SKU for Ubuntu from Canonical, can obtained by az vm image list -p Canonical -f UbuntuServer --query '[].{SKU:sku}'
admin_keydata my public key PUBLIC SSH key of admin user to be created in OS
admin_username "malipek" username of admin user to be created in OS