
My ahk scripts i use everyday.

  • back.ahk

Browser previous page, when you double hit left arrow key, it sends event alt + left key, therefore modern browsers go previous page.I restricted it to browser only otherwise it writes < when jumping between chars in atom for example. In my case browser is called "browser.exe" because I use yandex browser, for chrome you must change it to "chrome.exe"

  • cap.ahk

it simply opens a path by a key combination. In this case its my facebook messenger app called "caprine.exe" and combination is windows + F

  • copy.ahk

this script is a little weird, when left mouse mouse button held down + c key is pressed it beeps and sends control + c, I wrote this because sometimes I copy paste a lot and I dont want to press control with my little finger. see paste.ahk below

  • dbright.ahk

This is most complicated one to use, although I can navigate with this without keyboard. When right mouse is clicked and hold it waits it to release. If you hold left mouse and release right mouse it sends windows + tab event. Therefore it reveals all windows and desktops for you to choose.

  • dbspace.ahk

Its combination of left alt + space keys. When pressed sends windows + tab event for window and desktop selection.

  • esc.ahk

This is the one of my favorites. When esc double pressed, it sends alt + f4 event and closes the current window.

  • forward.ahk

It makes the other part of back.ahk.

  • hide.ahk

this is a copy paste from somewhere. It supposed to show and hide hidden folders in explorer but it doesn't work, I dont know why I kept it.

  • numlock.ahk

This is another of my favorites. You hate not knowing what will happen when you hit a number from numpad? I do. This one is a copy paste code and disables numlock beautifully.

  • paste.ahk

This is other part of copy.ahk.

  • switch.ahk

This is most essential script for using multiple desktops. When you hit right control + arrow keys, it sends control + windows + arrow keys. Therefore with one hand it is possible to switch desktops quickly.