
Primary LanguageC#


Sport is a Xamarin.Forms app initially built for Xamarin employees as a way to facilitate leaderboards for a few ping-pong tables and darts we have around the office. Athletes can join leagues, get ranked and challenge other athletes to move up the ladder. As of 8/30/2015, Sport features 93.6% code share (3.3% iOS / 3.1% Android).

This is an example of an iOS athlete and an Android athlete conducting a challenge

Sport iOS

Sport Android

This project exercises the following platforms, frameworks or features:

  • Xamarin.iOS
  • Xamarin.Android
  • Xamarin.Forms
    • XAML
    • Bindings
    • Converters
    • Central Styles
    • Custom Renderers
    • Animations
    • IoC
    • Messaging Center
    • Custom Controls
    • Cross Plugins
  • HockeyApp Crash Reporting
  • Xamarin Test Cloud
    • UITest
    • Extensions
    • Single code-base for iOS & Android
  • Azure Mobile Services
    • C# backend
    • WebAPI
    • Entity Framework
    • Offline Sync
    • Cross-platform templated push notifications

This project employs a few patterns listed below:

  • Enforces a ViewModel-per-Page concept
    • all ContentPage classes enforce a generic BaseViewModel type
    • automatically set as the binding context
  • All tasks are proxied through a RunSafe method
    • verifies connectivity
    • gracefully handles and reports exceptions
  • Leagues are assigned a randomly selected themed color at runtime
  • Elo algorithm used to determine athlete's rating which is used to rank the leaderboard


  • Default keys have been provided to connect to an existing Azure instance
    • You will need to create your own app in Google Developer Console to generate a GCM Sender ID if you wish to test out push notifications
  • If you wish to stand up your own backend, you will need to replace the existing fields in Keys.cs file for HockeyApp App IDs.
  • To run the included UITest suite, you'll need to provide a test Google email address and password


  • You will need a valid Google account to log into the application
  • Parallax feature should be tested on a device - simulator will cause jitter

Copyright and license

  • Code and documentation copyright 2016 Microsoft Corp. Code released under the MIT license.