A COVID-19 Coronavirus tracker for Japan. Government agencies release detailed data, but in difficult to read formats and usually only in Japaneese.
If you would like to update any missing or incorrect data on the graphs, please leave a comment on this spreadsheet, and/or request edit access.
Data sources we're using.
Our data is sourced from a variety of sources, primarily Japanese news outlets like NHK, prefectural governments and the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.
Countrywide Sources
The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) produces several sources of data that we use to cross check and verify.
- MHLW COVID19 Information Page (新型コロナウイルス感染症について)
- MHLW COVID19 Daily Press Releases: 3/2020 2/2020. The most important document is the Patient Detail Updates (新型コロナウイルスに関連した患者の発生について) that list patient information linking to prefectural government reports.
- MHLW COVID19 Daily Summaries including aggregate counts and per-prefecture information.
NHK News is the most comprehensive and standardized reporting of infection cases per prefecture as well as a daily sum up every evening.
Prefecture-specific Data
We need your help! Please submit any information sources via the "Issues" tab above. Thank you! ありがとう!
If you would like to contribute features / refactor / etc, please open an Issue on this repo, and tag @reustle - We can then open a new Pull Request if it is deemed in line with the projects goals.
- NodeJS
Set up environment
npm install
Build once:
npm run build
Build continuously:
npm run watch
Start Server:
npm run start
# or run continuous build + server
npm run start-webpack
Build for production (minified):
npm run build-prod
You will now be able to access the site at http://localhost:4000/
- Shane Reustle: Development
- Jiahui Zhou: Concept, Design, and Data
- and these developers
- 都道府県別新型コロナウイルス感染者数マッ (Arcgis)
- Data source from John Hopkins CSSE
- News Digest Tracker (Unclear where the data is coming from)
- BNO News Global Tracker (Google My Maps View)
- COVID-19 日本速報 (Data Source)
- Toyo Keizai Situation Report (Data from MHLW)
- Patient connections and clusters map in Japan 新型コロナウイルスの事例マップ
- Wikipedia on 2020 Coronavirus Outbreak in Japan English and Japanese - Sources