
Reactive state management for JavaScript apps with a minimal API and full power of RxJS

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Reactive state management for JavaScript apps with a minimal API and full power of RxJS.



npm install observux


Observux manages states using reactive state containers called stores: JavaScript objects with observable properties. Assigning values to the properties emits an updated state to its subscribers:

import {Store} from 'observux'

const counter = new Store({count: 0})

const subscription = counter.state.subscribe(state => {
})  // logs {count: 0}

counter.count++  // logs {count: 1}
counter.count--  // logs {count: 0}


Stores can be extended, and their observable state values can be adjusted using RxJS operators:

import {Store} from 'observux'
import {Observable} from 'rxjs/Observable'
import 'rxjs/add/operator/map'
import 'rxjs/add/operator/filter'
import 'rxjs/add/operator/pluck'
import 'rxjs/add/operator/skip'
import 'rxjs/add/operator/take'
import 'rxjs/add/operator/distinctUntilKeyChanged'

class GithubUserService extends Store {
    constructor() {
        // Observable properties are passed to the superclass
            users: [],
            lastFetched: null

        // Non-observable properties are assigned to the subclass
        this.name = 'Github user service'

    fetchUsers(...usernames) {
        const request = Promise.all(usernames.map(username =>
            fetch(`https://api.github.com/users/${username}`).then(response => {
                if (response.ok) return response.json()
                else throw new Error(response.statusText)

        this.lastFetched = new Date()

        // Monitor future timestamp changes to generate an abort signal
        const abortSignal = this.state.distinctUntilKeyChanged('lastFetched')

        // Wrap the request promise in an Observable to make it cancellable
            next: users => this.users = users,
            error: console.error

const githubUserService = new GithubUserService()

    .filter(users => users.length)
    .map(users => users.map(user => user.name))
    .subscribe(names => console.log(...names))

githubUserService.fetchUsers('octocat', 'torvalds')  // logs 'The Octocat', 'Linus Torvalds'



Base class for Observux stores.

A Store instance's observable properties are defined in the props object. It also has a special state property, an observable sequence of its state values. Assigning values to its observable properties emits a new state value to subscribers.

Under the hood, props are converted to getters/setters to allow tracking of state changes. Due to ES5 limitations (and poor ES6 Proxy support), it is currently not possible to detect new observable properties once a store has been created.
