- Implement code till first commit yourself.
- Make sure all Controllers in /controllers/ are taking appropriate parameters as required by corresponding APIs in https://fakestoreapi.com/docs
- (Stretch) Try to understand https://spring.io/guides/gs/consuming-rest/ and implement FakeStoreProductServiceImpl.
Assign 2
- Implement all of the APIs under Products at: https://fakestoreapi.com/docs (other than Limit Results and Sort Results)
- Make your FakeStoreProductService not depend on RestTemplate at all. Instead of this it should depend on FakeStoreClient
Assign 3
- Go through all of the APIs in CategoryController and ProductController
- Create a SelfProductService and SelfCategoryService implementing the corresponding interface
- Implement the code inside each of the services. This code should now work with corresponding repositories.
User ----> Auth Server Signup 1 User ----> Auth Server Login 2 ---> token in return User ----> Resource Server (Product Service) "/products" token
- If Token Valid -> a) If role matches or not, If yes -- allow else deny
- If Token invalid -> deny
- When a [product is saved it should be saved in ES as well
- When someone searches for product, you return all products where either the title contains that string or description contains that string via ElasticSearch
Test Data TEST Nikhil Test