---------------------------------------------------------------- - - - UFO - Un Finished Object - - - ---------------------------------------------------------------- UFO is a portable distribution of LuaJIT (http://luajit.org), that includes precompiled binaries for various platforms, and FFI bindings for several open source (precompiled) libraries ---------------------------------------------------------------- Some of the bindings included are: OpenGL and glu, OpenCL, SDL, ZeroMQ, GLFW and others To fire up quickly a sample, please do: ./luajit samples/intro.lua (uses SDL) To create a world-map .pdf, .svg and .png using cairo ./luajit samples/cairo/world-map.lua Some more: ./luajit samples/glfw/moar.lua (uses OpenGL, glu, GLFW) ./luajit samples/AntTweakBar/simple.lua (AntTweakBar, others) ./luajit samples/AntTweakBar/OpenCL-info.lua ./luajit samples/OpenCL/info.lua The most excellent sol's imgui implementation notes using SDL: ./luajit samples/SDL/imgui/ch01.lua ./luajit samples/SDL/imgui/ch02.lua ./luajit samples/SDL/imgui/ch03.lua ./luajit samples/SDL/imgui/ch04.lua ./luajit samples/SDL/imgui/ch05.lua ./luajit samples/SDL/imgui/ch06.lua ------------------------------------------------------- FOR ALL LEGAL STUFF (LICENSE, COPYRIGHT, COPYLEFT, etc) PLEASE REFER TO THE doc/legal FOLDER ------------------------------------------------------- Dimiter "malkia" Stanev http://github.com/malkia/ufo P.S. There are lot of un finished "objects": bindings, samples, platforms, etc. Hopefully I would never finish it :), as I would like this experiment to be always work in progress.