
Replace layers in Sketch with photos from Instagram.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Replace layers in Sketch with photos from Instagram.


Watch on Vimeo


Download and unzip the contents of this repository into your plugins folder. If you don't know where your plugins folder is, follow these steps to find it.


  1. In Sketch, select the layers that you want to replace with Instagram photos, then run the plugin.
    • Note: First time you use the plugin, you'll be asked to login to Instagram. The plugin will remember you until you log out.
      Plugin Window
  2. Once you're logged in, select the source of the photos you want to use.
    Plugin Window - Sources
  3. If you're using Sketch at work, you might want to log out of Instagram when you're done. Unless you work at Instagram :/
    Logout Menu

Image sizes

Instagram makes photos available in three sizes.

SketchSquares Plugin will guess the image size you want to load based on the size of the layers you've selected. You can change this using the size menu.

Plugin Window - Sizes


Once you've installed the plugin you can trigger it using this shortcut: control + shift + i. You can change this shortcut (if it clashes with other plugins you may be using) by editing the first line of the Load Instagram Photos.sketchplugin file.

Supported Versions

Sketch 3.2.1

Bugs and Features

When you run into bugs, please create Issues here on GitHub. Ditto for feature requests!

Inspiration and Credits

The inspiration for the SketchSquares Plugin came from a post by @iansilber called Design Tools at Instagram.

Making this plugin was possible only through all the tricks I've learned from the awesome Sketch community. Thanks everyone!

MIT License © Aby Nimbalkar. I'm on Linked In.