
Luminous gives you all the system information you need!

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


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To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


  • iOS 8+
  • Swift 3
  • Xcode 8



Luminous is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

platform :ios, '8.0'
pod "Luminous"

Then use import Luminous wherever you want to use the library.


Download the project and drag the Luminous.swift and Reachability.swift files into your project. The library depends from the Deviice framework. Download it and do the same with it (dragging Deviice.swift).


Luminous has only 1 dependency : Deviice which is my other library useful to know on which device your app is running on, plus some nice information.

What is Luminous?

Luminous is the son of ALSystemUtilities library which is no longer maintained (it still is my best library on github). I got ideas from that one and I wrote everything from scratch in Swift 3 adding some new feature and designing it in a different way thanks to the differences between Objective-C and Swift.

Luminous is a big library that I like to consider an "Helper Library". It provides a lot of information about the system and has some features that can speed up significantly the development process.

~~It is composed by 3 parts :

  • system information (Luminous.System.<substruct>)
  • utils (some handy method like the email check)
  • custom app configuration ~~

Luminous is no more composed by 3 parts as I think that a library has to serve one and one only purpose. I removed the Utils and AppConfiguration structs. I'm sorry for any kind of inconvenience this could cause to everyone is using it, but I think that it's the right choice.

System information

Here I provide tons of information about the system and you can access them using the notation Luminous.System.<substruct>.

There are 11 different substructs here from which you can get information :

  • Network
    • isConnectedViaWiFi
    • isConnectedViaCellular
    • SSID
  • Locale
    • currentLanguage
    • currentTimeZone
    • currentTimeZoneName
    • currentCountry
    • currentCurrency
    • currentCurrencySymbol
    • usesMetricSystem
    • decimalSeparator
  • Carrier
    • name
    • ISOCountryCode
    • mobileCountryCode
    • networkCountryCode (deprecated)
    • mobileNetworkCode (to use instead of networkCountryCode)
    • allowsVOIP
  • Hardware
    • processorsNumber
    • activeProcessorsNumber
    • physicalMemory
    • systemName
    • systemVersion
    • bootTime
    • isLowPowerModeEnabled
    • Screen
      • brightness
      • isScreenMirrored
      • nativeBounds
      • nativeScale
      • bounds
      • scale
      • snapshotOfCurrentView
    • Device
      • current (returns a Deviice object)
      • identifierForVendor
      • orientation
    • Accessory
      • count
      • connectedAccessoriesNames
      • connectedAccessories
    • Sensors
      • isAccelerometerAvailable
      • isGyroAvailable
      • isMagnetometerAvailable
      • isDeviceMotionAvailable
  • Disk
    • totalSpace
    • freeSpace
    • usedSpace
    • totalSpaceInBytes
    • freeSpaceInBytes
    • usedDiskSpaceInBytes
    • freeSpaceInPercentage
    • usedSpaceInPercentage
  • Battery
    • level
    • state
  • Application
    • version
    • build
    • completeAppVersion
    • clipboardString

Why Luminous?

I'm sure you're asking yourself "Why this library is called Luminous?". Well, stop think about it. The reason is simple : I like the word "Luminous", it gives me a unique feeling of something that is bright and awesome! So, I chose to call this lib in that way! But you can think that "Luminous is because this library will light up your way of development speeding up it and giving you more time for yourself", this is more philosophical.


Any suggestion would be really appreciated. The library is designed using structs and static functions, but I'm still not sure of this choice. I'm struggling if the best is to use static functions or static vars, so this is the first point you can help me with.


Andrea Mario Lufino, andrea.lufino@me.com


Luminous is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.