

This project is the very first project as a student at 42. The project require to recode a few functions of the C standard library as well as some other utility functions that they will be used during the whole cursus.

The libft projet is divided into 2 parts:

part I Recode a set of the libc functions, as defined in their man, they present the same prototype and behaviors as the originals, and these functions are as follows:

  • memset
  • bzero
  • memcpy
  • memccpy
  • memmove
  • memchr
  • memcmp
  • strlen
  • strlcpy
  • strlcat
  • strchr
  • strrchr
  • strnstr
  • strncmp
  • atoi
  • isalpha
  • isdigit
  • isalnum
  • isascii
  • isprint
  • toupper
  • tolower
  • calloc
  • strdup

part II Set of functions that are either not included in the libc, or included in a different form. Some of these functions can be useful to write Part 1’s functions, and these functions are as follows:

  • ft_substr
  • ft_strjoin
  • ft_strtrim
  • ft_split
  • ft_itoa
  • ft_strmapi
  • ft_putchar_fd
  • ft_putstr_fd
  • ft_putendl_fd
  • ft_putnbr_fd

check the subject PDF.