
Predicting drug-target affinity based on recurrent neural networks and graph convolutional neural networks

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Predicting drug-target affinity based on recurrent neural networks and graph convolutional neural networks


  • README.md: this file.
  • data/davis/folds/test_fold_setting1.txt,train_fold_setting1.txt; data/davis/Y,ligands_can.txt,proteins.txt data/kiba/folds/test_fold_setting1.txt,train_fold_setting1.txt; data/kiba/Y,ligands_can.txt,proteins.txt Dataset
  • embed : Dictionaries
  • create_data.py: create data in pytorch format
  • utils.py: include TestbedDataset used by create_data.py to create data, and performance measures.
  • training.py: train a model.


Install Python libraries needed

Create a conda virtual environment and intall libs

  • Install pytorch
  • Install pytorch_geometric following instruction at https://github.com/rusty1s/pytorch_geometric
  • Install rdkit: conda install -y -c conda-forge rdkit
  • Install tensorflow : pip install tensorflow-gpu==1.15
  • Install keras: pip install keras ==2.3.1
  • Install transformers: pip install transformers

Create data files

python create_data.py 

It will create four .pt files in the data/processed folder


python training.py 0 0

where the first argument is for the index of the datasets, 0/1 for 'davis' or 'kiba', respectively; the second argument is for the index of the models, 0/1/2/3 for GINConvNet, GATNet, GAT_GCN, or GCNNet. This returns result.csv, containing the performance of the proposed models on the two datasets. The measures include rmse, mse, pearson, spearman, and ci.