Taroify 是移动端组件库 Vant 的 Taro 版本,两者基于相同的视觉规范,提供一致的 API 接口,助力开发者快速搭建小程序应用。
Pinned issues
- 0
[Bug Report] List 组件运行时可能报错
#839 opened by SuWe1 - 2
[Bug Report] 并未兼容到 Chrome 51
#825 opened by bigbigDreamer - 0
[Bug Report] Field validateFirst 无效
#855 opened by linxianxi - 0
[Bug Report] 微信小程序环境,List组件Placeholder会出现在最上面
#856 opened by zc2638 - 0
[Bug Report] FormItemInstance类型与实际对象不匹配
#854 opened by vcup - 2
[Bug Report] Uploader组件onUpload重复触发
#842 opened by sweet7788 - 2
[Bug Report] Popup和 ActionSheet 会导致同页面中的 Map 组件报错
#849 opened by felix9ia - 0
[Feature Request] 可以支持瀑布流展示吗?
#846 opened by zc2638 - 1
[Bug Report] icon在小程序中不显示
#841 opened by 984507092 - 9
[Bug Report] 使用组件后,会全量引入 lodash
#800 opened by cryg - 0
[Feature Request] Skeleton 不支持 rows 吗?
#838 opened by hooliy - 1
[Bug Report] Icon size 单位设置成 em时不生效
#836 opened by hooliy - 0
- 0
[Bug Report] ActionBar.IconButton 的文字被挤占导致无法正常展示
#832 opened by felix9ia - 6
[Bug Report] Navbar 微信小程序没有自适应
#819 opened by Niubility-SunLight - 1
[Bug Report] TextEllipsis 组件和 Timeline 组件失效
#740 opened by LiJiaYiTuanZi - 1
- 2
[Bug Report] IndexList 组件异步使用报错
#827 opened by Niubility-SunLight - 5
[Feature Request] Feat(ActionSheet ):ActionSheet 可以支持像 ShareSheet 一样的 Gird 布局
#824 opened by felix9ia - 1
Cascader 级联选择
#811 opened by William-walk - 3
[Bug Report] Deprecation The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0.
#812 opened by qiaolin-pan - 1
#810 opened by William-walk - 3
[Bug Report] couldn't fulfill desired order of chunk group(s) pages/category/index - while fulfilling desired order of chunk group(s) pages/order-list/index
#808 opened by lvxiaoqian-git - 0
- 2
[Feature Request] FixedNav 是否可以有触发小程序客服
#780 opened by WyntersN - 2
[Bug Report] toast怎么设置不自动关闭
#791 opened by luoqiang-wm - 1
#792 opened by sayll - 1
[Bug Report] process组件文档有错误
#798 opened by gaogaomie - 1
[Feature Request]
#794 opened by Royal18625194910 - 0
[Bug Report] Search组件在IOS自带拼音键盘快速连续输入时 会丢失焦点
#787 opened by vanstline - 1
[Bug Report] 引入 Icon 组件编译报错
#786 opened by felix9ia - 2
[Bug Report] skyline模式下css variables 多层嵌套不起效
#774 opened by luoqiang-wm - 0
[Bug Report] FloatingBubble sass变量未进行适配
#781 opened by WyntersN - 0
[Bug Report] Form无法手机自定义的表单组件,表单收集的value不支持json结构,form item的name不支持多级比如xxx.yy或者[xxx,yy]这种形式
#783 opened by luoqiang-wm - 1
[Bug Report] Signature 签名 取出数据的时候能否取出 透明背景的签名
#771 opened by WyntersN - 1
#776 opened by cx690 - 1
- 1
[Bug Report] FixedNav 样式有问题
#766 opened by WyntersN - 3
[Bug Report] Popup lock 依然可以滑动父页面
#759 opened by WyntersN - 13
[Bug Report] IndexList 索引栏.如果页面顶部有fixed的元素,索引栏的定位会有问题,会被遮挡?这种情况下, 官方的建议使用方式是怎么样的?
#773 opened by my3188 - 4
[Bug Report] IndexList 索引栏 右侧的索引都没有,完全和文档不一样啊
#770 opened by my3188 - 2
[Bug Report] List 组件 在ScrollView中好像捕获不到 底部距离,导致一直在加载
#769 opened by WyntersN - 1
[Feature Request] IndexList的scrollTo方法增加回调函数
#765 opened by felix9ia - 12
[Bug Report]ActionBar.IconButton 的样式似乎有问题
#757 opened by felix9ia - 1
[Bug Report] 【Gird.Item】组件 icon 属性是 Image 节点时,会闪一下问题
#750 opened by wenqiyun - 1
[Bug Report] Form Field 多条校验规则错误显示问题
#752 opened by mzc9915 - 1
- 7
[Bug Report] taro react weapp 字体好大
#758 opened by WyntersN - 0
[Bug Report] Cascader动态设置options后,options数据混乱
#742 opened by qiaolin-pan - 3