
Through raspberry PI gateway to collect 485 temperature and humidity sensor, status data of 485 door magnetic switch and control relay action

Primary LanguagePython


With a Raspberry Pi gateway, you can collect data from RS-485 devices such as temperature and humidity sensors and door sensors to achieve remote control of relay actions.

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Compile the code

PyCharm 2021.2.3

Run the demo



Two demos are used to build a Raspberry Pi gateway. One demo in Python works for communication with RS-485 devices. The other demo in C works for communication with the Tuya IoT Development Platform.

Download the demo (in Python) at: https://github.com/Tuya-Community/485_sub-devices_connect_to_the_Raspberry_PI_gateway.git

Download the demo (in C) at: https://github.com/Tuya-Community/Raspberry_PI_Gateway_connects_to_iot_platform.git