
CLI Password Manager

Primary LanguageGo


Main Menu

 _________                            __                   .__
 \_   ___ \ _______  ___.__.______  _/  |_   ____  _______ |__|  ____   __ __   ______
 /    \  \/ \_  __ \<   |  |\____ \ \   __\ /  _ \ \_  __ \|  | /  _ \ |  |  \ /  ___/
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         \/          \/     |__|                                                   \/
 - CLI-based encryption for passwords and random data

   cryptorious [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]

   Jeff Malnick <malnick@gmail.com>

    rename      Rename an entry in the vault
    delete      Remove an entry from the cryptorious vault
    decrypt     Decrypt a value in the vault `VALUE`
    encrypt     Encrypt a value for the vault `VALUE`

   --vault-path, --vp "/Users/malnick/.cryptorious/vault.yaml"  Path to vault.yaml.
   --debug                                                      Debug/Verbose log output.
   --help, -h                                                   show help
   --version, -v                                                print the version

Encrypt Sub Menu

   encrypt - Encrypt a value for the vault `VALUE`

   encrypt [command options] [arguments...]

   --key-arn    KMS key ARN

Decrypt Sub Menu

   cryptorious decrypt - Decrypt a value in the vault `VALUE`

   cryptorious decrypt [command options] [arguments...]

   --copy, -c           Copy decrypted password to clipboard automatically
   --goto, -g           Open your default browser to https://<key_name> and login automatically
   --timeout, -t "10"   Timeout in seconds for the decrypt session window to expire

Rename Sub Menu

   cryptorious rename - Rename an entry in the vault

   cryptorious rename [command options] [arguments...]

   --old, -o    Name of old entry name [key] in vault
   --new, -n    Name of new entry name [key] in vault

Generate Sub Menu

 generate - 	Generate a RSA keys or a secure password 

  generate command [command options] [arguments...]

   password	[--[l]ength] Generate a random password

   --help, -h	show help

Step 0: Build && Alias

Build it and install: make install

Add to your .[bash | zsh | whatever]rc: alias cpt=cryptorious

Step 1: Add KMS keys to AWS

NOTE: will add cmd for this soon

In your own AWS account, add a KMS key and grant your IAM user access.

Step 2: Encrypt

NOTE: will add flag for AWS profile soon

Use your AWS profile and encrypt some data:

AWS_PROFILE=personal cryptorious encrypt --key-arn=<my_kms_key_arn> github.com

Will open a ncurses window and prompt you for username, password and a secure note. All input is optional.

Step 3: Decrypt

AWS_PROFILE=personal cryptorious decrypt thing

Will open a ncurses window with the decrypted vault entry.

Forgo the the ncurses window and copy the decrypted password stright to the system clipboard?

cryptorious decrypt -[c]opy thing

No printing, just a message that your decrypted password is now available in the paste buffer for your user.

If you've saved your vault entries with the URI of the site they belong to (i.e., ran cryptorious encrypt github.com...) then you can use the -[g]oto flag to open your default browser to this URI. Pair it with -[c]opy and the shorthand for [d]ecrypt and you'll have a fast way of navigating directly to your desired, secure website (let's also assume you've aliased cpt=cryptorious):

cpt d -g -c github.com

Step 5: Generate Secure Password

The generate command also lets you generate random, secure passwords of n length:

cryptorious generate password --length 20

This defaults to a length of 15 if you don't pass --[l]ength.