
Heroicons as web components

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

This package consist of a build script that generate web components for every heroicon.

Once generated, icon components are stored in individual files in PascalCase (e.g: 20/solid/AcademicCap.js) and are self-registered in kebab-case with a hi prefix, e.g: hi-20-solid-academic-cap.


  1. Clone repo
  2. npm pack
  3. Move artifact to your project (e.g: in a vendor directory)
  4. Install (e.g: npm i vendor/heroicons-wc-x.x.x.tgz)


  1. Import the icon:
    import "heroicons-wc/24/outline/ShoppingCart";
  2. Use it like any html element:


The build script also generate declaration files for every component.

Files sizes

The generated files are not minified, but they are still lightweight:

compression min max average median
raw ~500B ~2800B ~830B ~770B
gzip ~360B ~1200B ~510B ~490B
brotli ~270B ~1040B ~410B ~390B

Package Structure

├── 16
│   └── solid
│       ├── AcademicCap.js
│       ├── AcademicCap.d.ts
│       └── ...
├── 20
│   └── solid
│       ├── AcademicCap.js
│       ├── AcademicCap.d.ts
│       └── ...
└── 24
    ├── outline
    │   ├── AcademicCap.js
    │   ├── AcademicCap.d.ts
    │   └── ...
    └── solid
        ├── AcademicCap.js
        ├── AcademicCap.d.ts
        └── ...


This package (not the icons) is MIT licensed.