
A safe way to accept user parameters and order against your ActiveRecord Models

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


ActiveRecord::Sort provides and easy way to accept user input and order a query by the input.


Add sunstone to your Gemfile and run bundle:

gem 'activerecord-sort', require: 'active_record/sort'

Or install the gem and require it:

gem install activerecord-sort
# => require('active_record/sort')


ActiveRecord::Sort supports the following cases:

# => "...ORDER BY properties.id ASC"

Property.sort(:id, :name).to_sql
# => "...ORDER BY properties.id ASC, properties.name ASC"

Property.sort(id: :desc).to_sql
# => "...ORDER BY properties.id DESC"

Property.sort(id: {asc: :nulls_first})
# => "...ORDER BY properties.id ASC NULLS FIRST"

Property.sort(id: {asc: :nulls_last})
# => "...ORDER BY properties.id ASC NULLS LAST"

It can also sort on relations:

Property.sort(addresses: :id).to_sql
# => "...INNER JOIN addresses ON addresses.property_id = properties.id
# => "   ORDER BY addresses.id ASC"

Property.sort(addresses: {id: :desc}).to_sql
# => "...INNER JOIN addresses ON addresses.property_id = properties.id
# => "   ORDER BY addresses.id DESC"

Property.sort(addresses: {id: {asc: :nulls_frist}}).to_sql
# => "...INNER JOIN addresses ON addresses.property_id = properties.id
# => "   ORDER BY addresses.id ASC NULLS FIRST"