In response to Christopher Burke's answer to the question 'What is the difference between a programmer, a good programmer, and a great programmer?' we have built this technical challenge to assess where you are at after six weeks.
The details of the challenge are included below. Hints are included in the file. Do your best to complete the challenge independently, without the hints or guidelines. However, use them if you are stuck for 20 minutes.
Fork this repository. Complete the challenge, push your version with a clear commit history to your own Github profile.
Write a Pair Randomizer application that takes a list of objects and pairs them together. Potential use cases may be creating an app for Pair Programming teams, or matching people for a Secret Santa gift exchange. Add the following features:
- Add entities to a list
- Edit the entities
- Display a list of the added entities, with some visible annotation to convey that two of the entities have been paired together
- Include a button that allows me to randomize the list
- Persist the list of entities
Take as much time as needed to complete the challenge. Add a note at the bottom of this file with how long it took you to complete the challenge.
'''uncomplete, 6 hours 45 minutes'''