
Environment Setup

-- DB on Docker

  1. Install Docker Desktop. (See docker documentation on how to install docker
  2. After installation, open Power Shell as Admin, and run the below command. This will Pull the mssql image and start an sqlserver container docker run -e "ACCEPT_EULA=Y" -e "SA_PASSWORD=yourStrong(!)Password" -p 1433:1433 -d

-- Running the application

  1. Clone the application from
  2. On Windows explorer, navigate to the repo ("...\CustomerManagementPortal-master\CustomerManagementPortal-master\CustomerManagementPortal")
  3. run the below commands
    • dotnet build
    • dotnet ef database update - (this will restore the db from the migration)
    • dotnet run - (this will start the application)
  4. on you browser https://localhost:5001

How this Works

To use the application, you ned to register firt. The home url (https://localhost:5001) will redirect you to the Login/Register page. The navigation bar will have items that can not be opened until user has registered and logged in.

  1. Click on Register, and fill in the form This form has Client-Side validation. All fields are required Username should be an email address Password has a length validatio
  2. After restering, the user will be redirected to login form Login using the Username and password you just created.
  3. On the Navigation bar, click on MANAGE CATEGORIES, this will show an empty list of categories click "New Category" and fill in the category form Category form is VALIDATED on both Server and Client side Required values is validate on the client-side CategoryCode format is validated on the Server. fill in the form corectly, and Save.
  4. A new catgory is added in the Category list. You can delete, or Edit this category.
  5. On the Navigation bar, click on MANAGE PRODUCT, this will show an empty list of products click "New Product" and fill in the form Select Category from the list Product Code is disabled because, this is a genereted value fill in the form corectly, and Save.