
Sails.js hook to use sequelize ORM

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Sails.js hook to use sequelize ORM. It's like Waterline but so much hotter. (Also, exclusive to SQL DB's)


Install this hook with:

$ npm install sails-hook-fireline bluebird sequelize --save

As you can see, you have to install bluebird and sequelize independently and add them as dependencies. This allows you to better control you ORM versions, as this hook is somewhat version agnostic.

Bluebird is needed for transactions to work correctly. Please, refer to the official Sequelize docs linked above for more info about patching Bluebird (done inside this hook).

This hook supports versions 4 and 5.0-beta currently.


Modify .sailsrc to resemble the next file:

  "hooks": {
    "orm": false,
    "pubsub": false


To make a connection, configure sails like so

//sails.config.connections or sails.config.datastores
module.exports.connections = {
  somePostgresqlServer: {
    //You can pass an URI connection string. Be aware that this takes precedence
    //uri: 'postgresql://user:password@host:port/database',
    user: 'postgres',
    password: '',
    database: 'sequelize',
    //Thisi s a typical Sequelize constructor `options` object
    options: {
      dialect: 'postgres',
      host   : 'localhost',
      port   : 5432,
      logging: console.log //Why not? Just ship it like this to production. No biggie.
module.exports.models = {
  //You can also use sails.config.models.datastore
  connection: "somePostgresqlServer",
  migrate: "drop", // 'alter' and 'safe' are also options


An example of model configuration on models/user.js

module.exports = {
  attributes: {
    name: {
      type: Sequelize.STRING,
      allowNull: false
    age: {
      type: Sequelize.INTEGER
  associations: function() {
    user.hasMany(image, {
      foreignKey: {
        name: 'owner',
        allowNull: false
  options: {
    tableName: 'user',
    classMethods: {},
    instanceMethods: {},
    hooks: {}

Available variables

  • Sequelize or sails.Sequelize as the constructor
  • sequelize or sails.Sequelize as the instance
  • Op as a shortcut to Sequelize.Op

Sequelize Extensions

To avoid a potential loss of an unique index when using deletedAt (for unicity and softDelete), an option can be passed to the model, making its default zero, avoiding such SQL halting experience.

module.exports = {
  attributes: {},
  associations: () => {},
  options: {
    classMethods: {},
    instanceMethods: {},
    hooks: {},
    paranoidSchizophrenia: true,

It work just the same, except for some minor changes:

  • Default value for deletedAt is Date(0)
  • When deletedAt is accessed, if date is Date(0), it will return null (custom getter)
  • Queries including the aforementioned model, will default to inner-joins BEWARE
  • When making queries in paranoid: false, a non-default scope must be used. This package provides the drugged scope that has no effect over queries whatsoever for this specific purpose.
    //All three are equivalent
    let query = {
      where: {},
      paranoid: false,

Fireline Hooks

When fireline is preparing your modelrs, you can run your own functions to alter the default behaviour.

somePostgresqlServer: {
  user: 'postgres',
  password: '',
  database: 'sequelize',
  options: {
    dialect: 'postgres',
    host   : 'localhost',
    port   : 5432,
    logging: console.log
  hooks: {
    myFirstHook: {
      beforeDefinition: (modelDef, modelList) => {},
      afterDefinition: (modelDef, modelList)  => {},
      beforeLoad: (modelDef, modelList) => {},
      afterLoad: (modelList)  => {},
      beforeAssociation: (model, modelList) => {},
      afterAssociation: (model, modelList) => {},
      beforeDefaultScope: (model, modelList) => {},
      afterDefaultScope: (model, modelList) => {},

The hooks to be run are:

  • beforeDefinition
  • afterDefinition

(Refering to model loading from files, just an object is loaded)

  • beforeLoad
  • afterLoad

(Sequelize define)

  • beforeAssociation
  • afterAssociation

(Associations are created with the association() methods of each model)

  • beforeDefaultScope
  • afterDefaultScope

(Default scope is added)

Special Thanks

A big shoutout to Gergely Munkacsy for starting the base of this fork at sails-hook-sequelize.

Also, special a special mention goes to Susana Hahn for using this hook to make awsome-factory-associator, a module that provides a syntax for easily creating factories when unit testing.
