
A CLI tool for exporting and importing Cloud Foundry service instances between Cloud Foundry installations.

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Service Instance Migrator for Cloud Foundry

build workflow


The service-instance-migrator is a command-line tool for migrating Service Instances from one Cloud Foundry (CF) or Tanzu Application Service (TAS) to another. The service-instance-migrator currently only supports TAS deployments because it relies on the Ops Manager API to execute some of its underlying commands. However, this dependency is mostly to ease the burden on providing all the configuration necessary for running a migration. And it's a near-term goal to remove Ops Manager as a required dependency.

Supported Service Instance Types

The following service types are currently implemented:

  • SQL Server
  • Tanzu MySQL
  • Credhub Service Broker
  • ECS service
  • Scheduler

More to come in the future:

  • RabbitMQ (on-demand & shared)
  • Redis (on-demand & shared)
  • Spring Cloud Gateway
  • Spring Cloud Config Server
  • Spring Cloud Registry
  • SSO
  • SMB
  • AppD

Getting Started


The service-instance-migrator relies on the following tools to execute in a shell during the migration process. Please ensure these are installed prior to running any export or import commands.

Download latest release

Download the service-instance-migrator-<OS>-amd64.tar.gz from the most recent release listed on the Service Instance Migrator for Cloud Foundry releases page.

Following are the instructions for installing version v0.0.8.

For macOS

wget -q https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/service-instance-migrator-for-cloud-foundry/releases/download/${VERSION}/service-instance-migrator-darwin-amd64.tgz
tar -xvf service-instance-migrator-darwin-amd64.tgz -C /usr/local/bin
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/service-instance-migrator

For linux

wget -q https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/service-instance-migrator-for-cloud-foundry/releases/download/${VERSION}/service-instance-migrator-linux-amd64.tgz
tar -xvf service-instance-migrator-linux-amd64.tgz -C /usr/local/bin
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/service-instance-migrator

Build from source

See the development guide for instructions to build from source.


The service-instance-migrator requires user credentials or client credentials to communicate with the Cloud Foundry Cloud Controller API.

The configuration for the CLI is specified in a file called si-migrator.yml which can be overridden with the following environment variables.

  • SI_MIGRATOR_CONFIG_FILE will override cli config file location [default: ./si-migrator.yml]
  • SI_MIGRATOR_CONFIG_HOME will override cli config directory location [default: ., $HOME, or $HOME/.config/si-migrator]

Create a copy of si-migrator.yml and place in any of the locations above. You can leave out any migrators that do not apply to your CF deployments.

Config Reference

debug: false
export_dir: "/tmp/tas-export"
exclude_orgs: [system] # optional, you can also use include_orgs for migrating specific orgs
  apps.src.tas.example.com: apps.dst.tas.example.com
ignore_service_keys: false # optional, don't create any service keys on import
source_bosh: # optional, will be fetched from opsman if not set
  all_proxy: sssh+socks5://some-user@opsman-1.example.com:22?private-key=/path/to/ssh-key
  root_ca_cert: |
    a trusted cert
target_bosh: # optional, will be fetched from opsman if not set
  all_proxy: sssh+socks5://some-user@opsman-2.example.com:22?private-key=/path/to/ssh-key
  root_ca_cert: |
    a trusted cert
source_api: # optional, will be fetched from opsman if not set
  url: https://api.src.tas.example.com
  # admin or client credentials (not both)
  username: ""
  password: ""
  client_id: client-with-cloudcontroller-admin-permissions
  client_secret: client-secret
target_api: # optional, will be fetched from opsman if not set
  url: https://api.dst.tas.example.com
  # admin or client credentials (not both)
  username: ""
  password: ""
  client_id: client-with-cloudcontroller-admin-permissions
  client_secret: client-secret
    url: https://opsman-1.example.com
    client_id: ""
    client_secret: ""
    username: admin
    password: REDACTED
    hostname: opsman-1.example.com
    private_key: /Users/user/.ssh/opsman1
    ssh_user: ubuntu
    url: https://opsman-2.example.com
    client_id: ""
    client_secret: ""
    username: admin
    password: REDACTED
    hostname: opsman-2.example.com
    private_key: /Users/user/.ssh/opsman2
    ssh_user: ubuntu
  use_default_migrator: true # optional, use the default managed service migrator when no supported migrator exists
    - name: ecs
        source_ccdb: # optional, will be fetched from opsman if not set
          db_host: # optional
          db_username: ccdb-username # optional
          db_password: ccdb-password # optional
          db_encryption_key: REDACTED # optional, used to decrypt credentials in the source ccdb
          ssh_host: # optional, will use opsman host if not set
          ssh_username: jumpbox-user # optional, will use opsman user and ssh key if not set
          ssh_password: "" # optional
          ssh_private_key: /Users/user/.ssh/jumpbox # optional, will use opsman ssh key if not set
          ssh_tunnel: true # optional, will set to true and opsman will be used for the tunnel if not set
        target_ccdb: # optional, will be fetched from opsman if not set
          db_host: # optional
          db_username: ccdb-username # optional
          db_password: ccdb-password # optional
          db_encryption_key: REDACTED # optional, used to decrypt credentials in the target ccdb
          ssh_host: # optional, will use opsman host if not set
          ssh_username: jumpbox-user # optional, will use opsman user and ssh key if not set
          ssh_password: "" # optional
          ssh_private_key: /Users/user/.ssh/jumpbox # optional, will use opsman ssh key if not set
          ssh_tunnel: true # optional, will set to true and opsman will be used for the tunnel if not set
    - name: sqlserver
        source_ccdb: # optional, will be fetched from opsman if not set
          db_host: # optional
          db_username: ccdb-username # optional
          db_password: ccdb-password # optional
          db_encryption_key: REDACTED # optional, used to decrypt credentials in the source ccdb
          ssh_host: # optional, will use opsman host if not set
          ssh_username: jumpbox-user # optional, will use opsman user and ssh key if not set
          ssh_password: "" # optional
          ssh_private_key: /Users/user/.ssh/jumpbox # optional, will use opsman ssh key if not set
          ssh_tunnel: true # optional, will set to true and opsman will be used for the tunnel if not set
        target_ccdb: # optional, will be fetched from opsman if not set
          db_host: # optional
          db_username: ccdb-username # optional
          db_password: ccdb-password # optional
          db_encryption_key: REDACTED # optional, used to decrypt credentials in the target ccdb
          ssh_host: # optional, will use opsman host if not set
          ssh_username: jumpbox-user # optional, will use opsman user and ssh key if not set
          ssh_password: "" # optional
          ssh_private_key: /Users/user/.ssh/jumpbox # optional, will use opsman ssh key if not set
          ssh_tunnel: true # optional, will set to true and opsman will be used for the tunnel if not set
    - name: mysql
        backup_type: minio # one of [scp, s3, minio]
        backup_directory: /tmp # optional (defaults to export directory)
          username: backuphost-username
          hostname: backuphost.example.com
          port: 22
          destination_directory: /path/to/backups/mysql-tas1
          private_key: /Users/user/.ssh/backup-host
          endpoint: https://s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com
          access_key_id: REDACTED
          secret_access_key: REDACTED
          region: us-east-1
          bucket_name: mysql-tas1
          bucket_path: p.mysql
          insecure: false
          force_path_style: true
          alias: tas1ecstestdrive
          url: https://object.ecstestdrive.com
          access_key: REDACTED
          secret_key: REDACTED
          bucket_name: mysql-tas1
          bucket_path: p.mysql
          insecure: false

The source_api and target_api as well as source_bosh and target_bosh stanzas will be looked up from Ops Manager, so it's not required to set them. Command line flags will always override any values found in the config file.

The service-instance-migrator retrieves the encryption key and credentials for the cloud-controller database used by the ecs and sqlserver migrations if you do not specify these values. It does, however, add some extra time to the migration to retrieve them.



Running export without any flags will export all service instances of all supported types from the source foundation. This may take a long time depending on how many service instances you have in your source foundation.

service-instance-migrator export


Running import does the opposite of export and as you may have guessed, uses the output from export as it's input. This command will take all the service instances found in the export directory and attempt to import them into the target foundation.

service-instance-migrator import

Check out the docs to see usage for all the commands.


By default, all log output is appended to /tmp/si-migrator.log. You can override this location by setting the SI_MIGRATOR_LOG_FILE environment variable.

Example Demos

To run the demos under hack, you need to set some environment variables. We suggest first installing direnv and creating a .envrc file under the root of the project. Here's an example .envrc which exports the required environment variables:

export CF_TAS1=$HOME/.cf_tas1
export CF_TAS2=$HOME/.cf_tas2

export CF_HOME="$CF_TAS1"

export CF_SOURCE_SYS_DOMAIN="sys.tas1.vmware.com"
export CF_SOURCE_APPS_DOMAIN="apps.tas1.vmware.com"
export CF_SOURCE_USERNAME="admin"
export CF_SOURCE_PASSWORD="your-cf-admin-password"
export CF_SOURCE_ORG=tas1
export CF_SOURCE_SPACE=si-migrator-test-space

export CF_TARGET_SYS_DOMAIN="sys.tas1.vmware.com"
export CF_TARGET_APPS_DOMAIN="apps.tas1.vmware.com"
export CF_TARGET_USERNAME="admin"
export CF_TARGET_PASSWORD="your-cf-admin-password"
export CF_TARGET_ORG=tas2
export CF_TARGET_SPACE=si-migrator-test-space

Install the credhub service broker. Then, run ./hack/credhub-demo.sh to demo migrating a credhub service instance.


The Service Instance Migrator for Cloud Foundry project team welcomes contributions from the community. Before you start working with this project please read and sign our Contributor License Agreement. If you wish to contribute code and you have not signed our Contributor License Agreement (CLA), our bot will prompt you to do so when you open a Pull Request. For any questions about the CLA process, please refer to our FAQ.


Refer to LICENSE for details.