
Utility for generating BMFont files for msdf-gdx

Primary LanguageKotlinApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Bitmap font generator for msdf-gdx

This is a small utility used to create SDF, MSDF and MSDFA bitmap font files from .ttf files. The generated .fnt files uses libGDX's format.

Here's what you need to download:

  • The latest version of Chlumsky/msdfgen can be found here.
  • The utility jar file can be found in the releases.

Place them both in the same directory.


The jar file can be run with:

java -jar msdfgen.jar [options] <font-file>

You can also use a configuration file config.txt with:

java -jar msdfgen.jar @config.txt 

The CLI expects at least one parameter specifying the .ttf font file, but there can be more than one.


  • -g, --msdfgen: Path of the msdfgen executable. Default: msdfgen.exe.
  • -o, --output: Output path of generated font textures. Default: same directory.
  • -t, --field-type: Field type, one of: sdf, psdf, msdf, mtsdf. Default: msdf. If mtsdf is used, alpha field type option is ignored.
  • -a, --alpha-field-type: Alpha field type, one of: none, sdf, psdf. Default: sdf.
  • -s, --font-size: Font size for generated textures. Default: 32.
  • -r, --distance-range: Distance range in which SDF is encoded. Default: 5.
  • -d, --texture-size: Maximum width and height of generated atlas pages. Default: 512, 512.
  • -p, --padding: Padding between glyphs and on the border of the atlas pages. Default: 2.
  • -c, --charset: File containing the characters to use (encoded as UTF-8). Can also be the name of one of the built-in charsets: ascii, ascii-extended, latin-0, latin-9, windows-1252, extended. Default: ascii
  • --compression-level: Compression level for generated PNG, from 0 to 9. Default: 9.
  • --fast-pack: Enable fast packing algorithm for texture packager. Default: false.
  • -h, --help: Show the help message.
  • -v, --version: Show version.


java -jar msdfgen.jar -o output -t msdf -a sdf -s 42 -r 6 -c latin-9 font.ttf

Generate MSDF font files with SDF encoded in the alpha layer for input file font.ttf. Font size is 42px and distance range is 6px. Charset is built-in latin-9. The following image is created in the output/ directory:

MSDFA texture atlas

java -jar msdfgen.jar -t msdf -a none -s 24 -r 4 -c charset.txt font1.ttf font2.ttf

Generate MSDF font files with no alpha layer for input files font1.ttf and font2.ttf. Font size is 24px and distance range is 4px. Charset is taken from the charset.txt file. The following images are created in the output/ directory:

MSDF texture atlas MSDF texture atlas


See changelog.


All code is licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0.


Don't hesitate to open a pull request if you feel like something needs an improvement. Just be sure to follow existing code style.