
Power in the Field of Art School Professors: The Role of Symbolic, Social, Cultural and Economic Capital

Power in the Field of Art School Professors: The Role of Symbolic, Social, Cultural and Economic Capital


German art schools enjoy a high level of recognition in the international art world. This is hardly surprising considering that the world's most renowned and expensive contemporary artists regularly include names who have studied and/or taught at German art schools. In the social sciences, art schools have repeatedly attracted attention as important training centres for artistic elites. In particular, the selection processes and training practices at German art schools have been thematised in various ways. However, the question of the extent to which systematic inequalities in the distribution of power exist between professors at art schools has remained unaddressed by social science analysis. Although the professors of german art schools are a socio-structurally narrow and homogeneous elite of artists, it can be assumed that they nevertheless occupy exceedingly disparate positions in the field of art. These positions should be associated with unequal opportunities in the intra and extra muros struggles of the art schools for the monopoly of definition of a legitimate art. Based on Bourdieu's field theory, the article investigates the extent to which systematic inequalities exist in the distribution of power between professors, which types of professors have particular potential for influence and power, and the mechanisms on which the distribution of power resources is based. In order to grasp the distribution of power among art academy professors, the article focuses on the distributions, relationships, interactions and hierarchies of four forms of capital: Social, cultural, economic and symbolic capital. The metadata of n=258 artists who hold a full professorship at one of the n=22 state-run German art schools serve as the data basis.

Supplementary material

Inputvariables of the FAMD


Dimension Subdimension Operatio-nalisation Name Source
CULTURAL CAPITAL: certified cultural capital Study at an art school LEARN20 Artists of the World/Own research
Incorporated cultural capital Place of art study LEARN1-LEARN19, LEARN21-LEARN125 Artists of the World/Own research
SOCIAL CAPITAL: Ranking position of the gallery that has represented a professor most often REPGAL1-REPGAL5 Artfacts
Ranking position three most frequent co-exhibitors MSW1-MSW6 Artfacts
ECONOMIC CAPITAL: Price for a 1x1m work PRICE Limna
Art Fair Presence ARTFAIR Limna
SYMBOLIC CAPITAL: Cultural Recognition CULTREC Limna
Global Presence GLOBAL Limna
OTHER VARIABLES: Age AGE Artists of the World/Own research
Career age CAREER Artists of the World/Own research
Disciplinary affiliation DISP1-DISP19 Artists of the World/Own research

Descriptive statistics of the inputvariables

To view the distribution of the factor analysis input variables for mixed data, a ShinyApp has been provided. It can be found here.

Art schools of the RKK

Abbreviation Full name
AoFA Mainz Academy of Fine Arts Mainz
SAoFA Karlsruhe State Academy of Fine Arts Karlsruhe
BU Weimar Bauhaus-University Weimar
UoFA Hamburg University of Fine Arts Hamburg
UoFA Münster University of Fine Arts Münster
MUoFAaD Kiel Muthesius University of Fine Arts and Design
AoMA Cologne Academy of Media Arts Cologne
AoFA Munich Academy of Fine Arts Munich
CoFA Saar College of Fine Arts Saar
SUoAaD Offenbach State University of Art and Design Offenbach
AoAB Weißensee Academy of Art Berlin Weißensee
AoFA Leipzig Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig
UotA Berlin University of the Arts Berlin
SAoAaD Stuttgart State Academy of Art and Design Stuttgart
AoFA Dresden Academy of Fine Arts Dresden
UotA Bremen University of the Arts Bremen
UoAaD Halle University of Art and Design Halle
UoA Braunschweig University of Art Braunschweig
Städelschule F.a.M. Städelschule Frankfurt am Main
AoFA Düsseldorf Academy of Fine Arts Düsseldorf
CoA Kassel College of Art Kassel
AoFA Nuremberg Academy of Fine Arts Nuremberg