
An evolving set of high-quality web components for business applications. Part of Vaadin 20+

Primary LanguageJavaScript

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Vaadin web components

Vaadin components is an evolving set of high-quality web components for business web applications.

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Install the components that you need from npm:

npm install @vaadin/vaadin-grid


Live demo →

Import the component's JavaScript module, use the component in your HTML, and control it with JavaScript:

<!doctype html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>Vaadin example</title>
    <!-- Use web components in your HTML like regular built-in elements. -->
    <vaadin-grid theme="row-dividers" column-reordering-allowed multi-sort>
      <vaadin-grid-selection-column auto-select frozen></vaadin-grid-selection-column>
      <vaadin-grid-sort-column width="9em" path="firstName"></vaadin-grid-sort-column>
      <vaadin-grid-sort-column width="9em" path="lastName"></vaadin-grid-sort-column>
      <vaadin-grid-column width="9em" path="address.city"></vaadin-grid-column>

    <!-- Vaadin web components use standard JavaScript modules. -->
    <script type="module">
      // Importing the following modules registers <vaadin-grid> and its column
      // elements so that you can use them in this page.
      import '@vaadin/vaadin-grid/vaadin-grid.js';
      import '@vaadin/vaadin-grid/vaadin-grid-selection-column.js';
      import '@vaadin/vaadin-grid/vaadin-grid-sort-column.js';

      // Use component's properties to populate data.
      const grid = document.querySelector('vaadin-grid');
        .then(res => res.json())
        .then(json => grid.items = json.result);

Serve your HTML with a development server that supports bare module specifiers, such as @web/dev-server:

npm i -g @web/dev-server
web-dev-server --node-resolve --open


This project contains components for Vaadin 20+. Please see individual repositories for older Vaadin versions.

Core Components

The components below are licensed under the Apache License 2.0.

Component npm version Issues
<vaadin-accordion> npm version Issues
<vaadin-app-layout> npm version Issues
<vaadin-avatar> npm version Issues
<vaadin-button> npm version Issues
<vaadin-checkbox> npm version Issues
<vaadin-combo-box> npm version Issues
<vaadin-context-menu> npm version Issues
<vaadin-custom-field> npm version Issues
<vaadin-date-picker> npm version Issues
<vaadin-date-time-picker> npm version Issues
<vaadin-details> npm version Issues
<vaadin-dialog> npm version Issues
<vaadin-form-layout> npm version Issues
<vaadin-grid> npm version Issues
<vaadin-icons> npm version Issues
<vaadin-item> npm version Issues
<vaadin-list-box> npm version Issues
<vaadin-login> npm version Issues
<vaadin-menu-bar> npm version Issues
<vaadin-messages> npm version Issues
<vaadin-notification> npm version Issues
<vaadin-ordered-layout> npm version Issues
<vaadin-progress-bar> npm version Issues
<vaadin-radio-button> npm version Issues
<vaadin-select> npm version Issues
<vaadin-split-layout> npm version Issues
<vaadin-tabs> npm version Issues
<vaadin-text-field> npm version Issues
<vaadin-time-picker> npm version Issues
<vaadin-upload> npm version Issues
<vaadin-virtual-list> npm version Issues

Pro Components

The components below are licensed under CVDL 4.0 license and available as part of the Vaadin Pro Subscription.

Component npm version Issues
<vaadin-board> npm version Issues
<vaadin-charts> npm version Issues
<vaadin-confirm-dialog> npm version Issues
<vaadin-cookie-consent> npm version Issues
<vaadin-crud> npm version Issues
<vaadin-grid-pro> npm version Issues
<vaadin-rich-text-editor> npm version Issues

Browser support

Vaadin components use Custom Elements and Shadow DOM that are natively supported by modern browsers.


Check out our design system documentation.


Are you looking for an example project to get started? Visit start.vaadin.com to create a Vaadin app.


For help and support questions, please use our community chat.

Big Thanks

Cross-browser Testing Platform and Open Source <3 Provided by Sauce Labs.


Read the contributing guide to learn about our development process, how to propose bugfixes and improvements, and how to test your changes to Vaadin components.


Setup the repo:


Environment variables

Setup the environment variables needed by the scripts below, by copying the .env.dist template file to .env:

cp .env.dist .env

and then configure the individual variable values in the newly created .env file.

Not all variables are necessary for all scripts, individual sections below will note which variables are required to run a command.

Unit tests

Run all tests in Chrome:

yarn test

Run all tests in Firefox:

yarn test:firefox

Run all tests in WebKit:

yarn test:webkit

Run tests for single package:

yarn test --group vaadin-upload

Debug tests for single package:

yarn debug --group vaadin-upload

Visual tests

To run the visual tests, please make sure that the SAUCE_USERNAME and SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY environment variables are defined.

Run tests for Lumo:

yarn test:lumo

Run tests for Material:

yarn test:material

Update reference screenshots for Lumo:

yarn update:lumo

Update reference screenshots for Material:

yarn update:material

Update screenshots for single package:

yarn update:lumo --group vaadin-upload

Generating icons

Re-generate SVG icon sets and icon fonts from individual SVG files for the packages that have them (e.g. vaadin-icons):

yarn icons

Making a major version bump

Create a branch for the current major

Checkout master and pull latest changes:

git checkout master && git pull

Create a new branch from master:

git checkout -b 22.0

Push a newly created branch:

git push origin 22.0

The newly created branch for the current major is protected by default. The rest of the changes to that branch should happen the usual way, through a PR.

Create another branch:

git checkout -b update-v22

Update wtr-utils.js as follows:

const getChangedPackages = () => {
-  const output = execSync('./node_modules/.bin/lerna ls --since origin/master --json --loglevel silent');
+  const output = execSync('./node_modules/.bin/lerna ls --since origin/22.0 --json --loglevel silent');
  return JSON.parse(output.toString());

Create a PR to the version branch (example).

Update the version in master

Create a new branch from master:

git checkout master && git checkout -b bump-v23

Prepare a new version for the updateVersion script by running the following command:

export npm_config_bump=23.0.0-alpha0

Run the script to bump static version getters in every component:

node scripts/updateVersion.js

Mark the new version with Lerna:

lerna version 23.0.0-alpha0 --no-push --no-git-tag-version --yes

Commit all the changes:

git commit -a -m "chore: update master to Vaadin 23 [skip ci]"

Create a PR to the master branch (example).

CI build updates

Add the new version branch to the CheckoutBranch parameter:


For specific package(s), check the LICENSE file under the package folder.