
A simple Ionic 4 stars rating component using Angular, with an easy API and support for all methods of binding (Property and Event Binding, Template Forms and Reactive Forms).

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Documentation Maintenance License: MIT

A simple Ionic 4 stars rating component using Angular, with an easy API and support for all methods of binding (Property and Event Binding, Template Forms and Reactive Forms).

📝 Table of Contents

✅ Prerequisites

The current version of the library is compatible with Ionic 4. To use it with Ionic 3, please install v1.x.x.

⬇️ Install

Using npm

npm install --save ionic-rating

Using yarn

yarn add ionic-rating

🛠 Setup

Once installed you need to import our module in the parent module for the component you will be using it in:

import { IonicRatingModule } from 'ionic-rating';

  imports: [IonicRatingModule, ...],
export class YourModule {


Include the component on page template, like the example below:

<ion-rating [rate]="rate"
        readonly="false" <!--default value-->
        size="default" <!--default value-->

Template Forms:

<ion-rating [(ngModel)]="rate"
        readonly="false" <!--default value-->
        size="default" <!--default value-->

Reactive Forms:

<ion-rating formControlName="rate"
        readonly="false" <!--default value-->
        size="default" <!--default value-->



  • rate: number [0-5]
  • readonly: boolean that controls wether editing the rating is allowed or not
  • resettable: boolean that controls wether the rating should reset if the same rate is selected again
  • size: 'small' | 'default' | 'large'


  • hover: EventEmitter<number>, called whenever you hover on a rating value
  • leave: EventEmitter<number>, called whenever you stop hovering on the rating, it passes the last value you hovered on before leaving
  • rateChange: EventEmitter<number>, called whenever you select a rating value


ion-rating {
  --star-color: gray;
  --star-color-filled: green;


👤 Rodaina Mohamed

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check issues page.

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📝 License

Copyright © 2019 Rodaina Mohamed.
This project is MIT licensed.