Go Tutorials(Go 语言教程)

此教程是为初学 Go 语言的小伙伴准备的简明版本的教程。
This docs is for the beginner who start to learn Go Language.


Setup(Go 语言安装)

安装 Go 语言环境。

Install Go click here

Editor plugins and IDEs

个人来说建议使用 VS Code 开发 go 程序。

Personaly I recommend the VS Code as your editor.

vs code plugin: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ms-vscode.Go

Read more here

Hellow World(第一个 Go 程序)

第一个 Go 程序。

Your first Go program.

mkdir workspace && cd workspace
touch index.go


Open the workspace by vscode.


Add the following code to index.go

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
  fmt.Println("Hello, world, aicoder.com")


Build and run the code.

cd workspace
go build index.go

Go 命令行工具,除了编译之外,还有格式化、测试等一系列工具。 文档地址:这里 Go command tool has several commands, e.g., doc, build, fix, fmt. Read more here


We can get the output as below:

Hello, world, aicoder.com

The Go Programming Language Specification(Go 语言语法规范)

Notation (文档符号规范)

  • |: alternation(或)
  • (): grouping(分组)
  • []: option (0 or 1 times)(出现 0 次或者 1 次)
  • {}: repetition (0 to n times)(出现次数范围,出现 0 次到 n 次)


Comments serve as program documentation. There are two forms:

注释是写给程序员来阅读代码的,不会编译到最终程序中。Go 语言有两种注释(类似 C、Java、C#、JavaScript)

  • Line comments start with the character sequence // and stop at the end of the line.
  • General comments start with the character sequence /* and stop with the first subsequent character sequence */.
i:= 3 // Line comments , 行注释

  General comments, mutiple lines comments




break        default      func         interface    select
case         defer        go           map          struct
chan         else         goto         package      switch
const        fallthrough  if           range        type
continue     for          import       return       var


  • Types:
bool byte complex64 complex128 error float32 float64
int int8 int16 int32 int64 rune string
uint uint8 uint16 uint32 uint64 uintptr
  • Constants:
true false iota
  • Zero value:
  • Functions:
append cap close complex copy delete imag len
make new panic print println real recover


+    &     +=    &=     &&    ==    !=    (    )
-    |     -=    |=     ||    <     <=    [    ]
*    ^     *=    ^=     <-    >     >=    {    }
/    <<    /=    <<=    ++    =     :=    ,    ;
%    >>    %=    >>=    --    !     ...   .    :
     &^          &^=