
🟩 Rocketseat Discover is a course that gets you into the first steps in technology. This is a repository used to save my study notes and projects along the course.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

A pretty README header


What is this about? Do que se trata?

Rocketseat Discover is a course that guides us through development, covering back-end and front-end, and even data, for those who are stepping into technology. It explains the very basics, getting in touch with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and other technologies over time.

O curso Discover, da Rocketseat, é um guia introdutório ao mundo do desenvolvimento, que percorre tanto o front-end, quanto o back-end, e pincela até mesmo a área de dados, para aqueles que estão dando seus primeiros passos. O curso explica o básico, em contato com HTML, CSS, JavaScript e outras tecnologias.

Progress Progresso

Progress bar

What I have learned O que aprendi

Topic Content Done
Intro HTTP, URLs, TCP, IP, Proxy, browsers, MAC Adress, DNS, hardware, software Done
HTML SEO, tables, meta, social meta, favicon Done
CSS Box model, shorthands, vendor prefixes, functions, root Done
JavaScript DOM, callback, Promises, Async-Await Done
NodeJs Packages, scripts, global dependency, timers, event modules Done
EJS Reuse code, pages Done
SQL Data, tables, SELECT, operators Done
Git CheatSheet, git log, hash values, HEAD Done
API Back-end, front-end
ReactJs JSX, components, Key Prop, Hooks
TypeScript Functions, Type Assertions

A pretty README footer