This README contains the questions for the Limelight QA exam

This repo is used to test a candidate's ability to test real world applications via selenium?

  • Test Selenium knowledge
  • Test Junit or TestNG Knowledge
  • Test Java Skillset
  • Test problem solving


  1. Navigate to
  2. Search for "ipad air 2 case"
  3. Refine search (left hand side of site) to only show Plastic cases (Case Material)
  4. Refine search (left hand side of site) to only show results between the price $20 - $100
  5. Output the Name, Price and Score/Rating (Stars) of the first 5 results
  6. Assert that the first 5 results are between $20 - $100
  7. Sort the first 5 results by price (Using Java)
  8. Sort the first 5 results by Score/Rating (Using Java)
  9. Sort the first 5 results by price (Using Java) and Assert using testng / Junit that you have sorted the items correctly.
  10. Based on Score and Cost recommend the item a user should purchase

Create a branch and push your code to a branch using your name as an identifier