
Android app for vehicular data acquisition feeding open database of vehicular data.

Primary LanguageJava

Floating Car

Android application for vehicular and cellphone data acquisition. The data collected by this application is used to feed a open database for researchers. This application was made as the final project for my Bachelor's Degree in the Federal University of Sergipe through the Departament of Computer Science.


TL;DR This code is a mess and I'm well aware of that. I did this while I was learning Android and with a tight deadline. Doesn't change the fact that is a horrible piece of s*&t.

With that said, I'm trying to convert the project for a more manageable architecture, Clean Architecture. For the next month, I'll be doing some work on the clean branch I've merged the clean branch to the master and will continue to do somework on it.


  • Tests
  • CI (probably circleci)
  • Configure Dagger
  • Translate Kotlin files to Java (I have another project in Kotlin already, will leave this one full Java)
  • Realm or Room?
  • Firebase