
Android app for Phone Tracking with Cellular tower locations and notificaton using SMS - no need for GPS or internet access

Primary LanguageJava


Phone tracker for Android - if your phone has been stolen

Find the release build APK here.


  • Send text and get location back
  • Uses the GPS location, falls back to the GSM network provider and if both are unavalible will send the in range cellular towers information
  • from first use of app, no app icon will be visible on the application launcher unless you send stop password


Icon: https://www.iconfinder.com/icons/283048/google_maps_locate_location_map_marker_navigation_pin_pointer_position_icon

Cellular Tower

In order to find cellular tower location based on information use the following API:
the cell tower information recived will be in following format:
the google maps link will be in the following format:

project based on https://github.com/nohum/lost-phone-tracker-app