
A python script that syncs the movies, shows and ratings between trakt and Plex (without needing a PlexPass or Trakt VIP subscription)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Python Versions

This project adds a two-way-sync between trakt.tv and Plex Media Server. It requires a trakt.tv account but no Plex premium and no Trakt VIP subscriptions, unlike the Plex app provided by Trakt.

Note: The PyTrakt API keys are not stored securely, so if you do not want to have a file containing those on your harddrive, you can not use this project.

To contribute, please find issues with the help-wanted label, thank you.


  • Media in Plex are added to Trakt collection
  • Ratings are synced (if ratings differ, Trakt takes precedence)
  • Watched status are synced (dates are not reported from Trakt to Plex)
  • Liked lists in Trakt are downloaded and all movies in Plex belonging to that list are added
  • You can edit the config file to choose what to sync
  • None of the above requires a Plex Pass or Trakt VIP membership. Downside: Needs to be executed manually or via cronjob, can not use live data via webhooks.


The script is known to work with Python 3.7-3.10 versions.



Installation with pipx.

pipx install PlexTraktSync

to install specific version:

pipx install PlexTraktSync==0.15.2 --force

and to upgrade:

pipx upgrade PlexTraktSync

to run:


NOTE: pipx install will use OS specific paths for Config, Logs, Cache, see appdirs documentation for details or check output of version command.

GitHub download

Proceed to Install dependencies

GitHub clone

NOTE: Use released versions, when making bug reports.

Proceed to Install dependencies

Install dependencies

This applies to GitHub download and GitHub clone.

In the PlexTraktSync directory, install the required Python packages:

python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

To run from PlexTraktSync directory:

python3 -m plex_trakt_sync

Or use a wrapper which is able to change directory accordingly:


or alternatively you can use pipenv:

python3 -m pip install pipenv
pipenv install
pipenv run plex-trakt-sync

Docker Compose

You can setup docker compose file like this:

    image: ghcr.io/taxel/plextraktsync
      - ./config:/app/config

To run sync:

docker-compose run --rm plex-trakt-sync

To run watch command:

docker-compose run --rm plex-trakt-sync watch


  • You will need to create a Trakt API app if you do not already have one:

    • Visit https://trakt.tv/oauth/applications/new
    • Give it a meaningful name
    • Enter urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob as the redirect url
    • You can leave Javascript origins and the Permissions checkboxes blank
  • Run python3 -m plex_trakt_sync.

  • At first run you will be asked to setup Trakt and Plex access.

    Follow the instructions, your credentials and API keys will be stored in .env and .pytrakt.json files.

    If you have 2 Factor Authentication enabled on Plex you can append the code to your password.

  • Cronjobs can be optionally used on Linux or macOS to run the script at set intervals.

    For example, to run this script in a cronjob every two hours:

    crontab -e
    0 */2 * * * cd ~/path/to/this/repo && python3 -m plex_trakt_sync

Windows Setup (optional alternative)

Sync settings

To disable parts of the functionality of this software, look no further than config.json. Here, in the sync section, you can disable the following things by setting them from true to false in a text editor:

At first run, the script will create config.json based on config.default.json. If you want to customize settings before first run (eg. you don't want full sync) you can copy and edit config.json before launching the script.

  • Downloading liked lists from Trakt and adding them to Plex
  • Downloading your watchlist from Trakt and adding it to Plex
  • Syncing the watched status between Plex and Trakt
  • Syncing the collected status between Plex and Trakt

The first execution of the script will (depending on your PMS library size) take a long time. After that, movie details and Trakt lists are cached, so it should run a lot quicker the second time. This does mean, however, that Trakt lists are not updated dynamically (which is fine for lists like "2018 Academy Award Nominees" but might not be ideal for lists that are updated often). Here are the execution times on my Plex server: First run - 1228 seconds, second run - 111 seconds

You can view sync progress in the last_update.log file which will be created.



The sync subcommand supports --sync=tv and --sync=movies options, so you can sync only specific library types.

➔ python3 -m plex_trakt_sync sync --help
Usage: plex_trakt_sync sync [OPTIONS]

  Perform sync between Plex and Trakt

  --sync [all|movies|tv]  Specify what to sync  [default: all]
  --help                  Show this message and exit.


You can use unmatched command to scan your library and display unmatched movies.

Support for unmatched shows is not yet implemented.

python3 -m plex_trakt_sync unmatched

Version command

Version command can be used to print package versions and locations of Cache, Config and Logs directories:

$ plex_trakt_sync version
PlexTraktSync Version: 0.15.0
PlexTraktSync Git Version: [0.15.0]
Python Version: 3.10.0 (default, Oct  6 2021, 01:11:32) [Clang 13.0.0 (clang-1300.0.29.3)]
Plex API Version: 4.7.2
Trakt API Version: 3.2.1
Cache Dir: /Users/glen/Library/Caches/PlexTraktSync
Config Dir: /Users/glen/Library/Application Support/PlexTraktSync
Log Dir: /Users/glen/Library/Logs/PlexTraktSync


You can use the watch command to listen to events from Plex Media Server and scrobble plays.

python3 -m plex_trakt_sync watch

What is scrobbling?

Scrobbling simply means automatically tracking what you’re watching. Instead of checking in from your phone of the website, this command runs in the background and automatically scrobbles back to Trakt while you enjoy watching your media - Plex Scrobbler@blog.trakt.tv

Systemd setup

Create a systemd unit so that it scrobbles automatically in the background:

Description=PlexTraktSync watch daemon

ExecStart=/path/to/PlexTraktSync/plex_trakt_sync.sh watch

