
Github stars

Primary LanguageElixir


REST specifications

The REST specifications are OpenAPI compatible, you can find the Swagger UI at: yourhost:4000/api/swagger/index.html

Running the application

Run on docker

To setup the application environment, use docker-compose to quickly bootstrap and run the Phoenix server.

The command below will spin up the server and a local database

docker-compose up -d

After the server and the application run, you can access the Application through "http://localhost:4000/api"

Run on local environment

Configure the environment variables for a running Postgres instance

  DB_USER: user
  DB_PASS: pass
  DB_DATABASE: database
  DB_HOSTNAME: hostname

You also need to add your github authentication bearer token as an environment variable

  GITHUB_AUTH: "Bearer ..."

Install dependencies

mix local.hex --force
mix local.rebar --force
mix deps.get

Run the server

mix phx.server


For additional information about the project, you can check the tasks below on a terminal.

Runs the application tests

mix test

Runs the local linter

mix credo

Generates coverage report

mix coveralls.html

Generates the swagger bindings

mix phx.swagger.generate