
Malware vulnerability intel tool for third-party attackers.

MIT LicenseMIT

Adversary3 v3.1

*** UPDATED fixed Haron ransomware code exec use CRYPTSP.dll

#SHA256: 913e7bbace4cfdd921e17ac4215f42da2d1dd34b7fb78bfdbc754a0f98eb4148 Malware vulnerability intel tool for third-party attackers or defenders.
By John Page (aka hyp3rlinx) Copyright (C) TM 2022

ISR: ApparitionSec

v3.0 added new exploit class 'Logic Flaw' and many new malware vulns.

v2.0 added new exploit class 'Code Execution' and Ransomware vulns targeting Conti, REvil, Lockbit, BlackBasta, Lokilocker, WannaCry, Petya, etc

Adversary3.py navigates the vast www.malvuln.com malware vulnerability dataset. Need a way in but no 0day?, choose the path of least resistance and work off the backs of others (virus) flaws. Yes, shot in the dark... but vuln backdoors, trojans and virus exist. Redteam? look for infected hosts with unsecured backdoors, BoF or RCE. On a system with low privs? look for infections with weak permissions you get the idea third-party adversary!

NOTE: Tested on Windows 10 Python3 / Kali (Python3)
Requirements: Windows OS > 7 and Python 3
Run on Kali: python3 Adversary3.py

Adversary3 Commands:
repos: Lists repositories, vulns and amount of each vuln class.
credz: Malware backdoors [PASSWORD] list.
familia: Search number of [VULNS] for all or specific malware [FAMILY].
ports: Lists vuln backdoor malware ports.
md5: Search vulns based on a MD5 malware hash.
mvid: Search vulns based on a MVID malware advisory.
vulns: Browse vuln categories and advisorys, based on the latest downloaded .Zip archive.
md5family: Returns malware [FAMILY][MD5] by family, MD5 or *.
shodan: Crawl the internet for a vuln malware port. Requires a Shodan Enterprise Data license.
scan: Basic port scan for vuln malware ports using half open SYN packet.
update: Download and update lastest Adversary3 .Zip from github.com/malvuln.
id: Get MVID, MD5 by MVID, MD5 or wildcard *
cls: Clears the [CONSOLE] window.
about: Explanation of Adversary3.

DISCLAIMER: Author is NOT responsible for any damages whatsoever by using this software, by using Adversary3 you assume and accept all risk implied or otherwise.


Permission is also explicitly given for insertion in vulnerability databases and similar, provided that due credit is given to the author John Page (aka hyp3rlinx) (c) 2022