
Cannot install mdk-se on Visual Studio 2022

Maverik37 opened this issue · 3 comments


I want to install mdk se for visual studio but the installation failed .

here the error message in joint file

For information i install Visual Studio on my other disk (D:) and not on C:/ to keep some place

do you have solutions ?

thanks in advance,
best regards

That's a shame imho.
These days vs2019 is seldom found and I don't wanna install 2019 just for this particular use case.
What about the source, is there a support for 2022? - What's the main reason for 2022 being not supported, afaik, there's not much of a difference, but I'm by far no vsix developer.

The reason VS'22 is not supported is the huge changes MS made to the addin APIs I use, requiring a larger rewrite of MDK. Up 'till now it was a matter of updating a version number. Not so much any longer.

Not much of a difference? Visual Studio 2019 is 32-bit. 2022 is 64-bit. That's a rather large change alone 🙂

Yes, it's a shame. But I'm a full-time worker and this is just a hobby thing.