
Invalid ProhibitedMemberRule errors popping up frequently

soulscythe opened this issue · 2 comments

While writing a script, these errors commonly crop up, citing various seemingly random points in the script as apparently "prohibited" (despite being clearly no problem).

The errors tend to disappear shortly after when typing more code, presumably as VS re-checks for errors.

IIRC there was a moment earlier in writing this script that I did actually have a prohibited feature involved in the code before adjusting it to fit, and this seems to have been an issue since, so perhaps there is some sort of lingering flag or value that is causing false positives? I have no idea how a VS plugin works, so maybe not.


Yeah there are no such flags or caches in my code. All it does is check whether a symbol is valid or not. It's a very old issue and I have no idea why it happens. As far as I'm concerned, this is Visual Studio being Visual Studio :P My best guess is that VS tries to run the analyzer more than once in parallel, causing issues... but I have no idea if this is actual fact.

It never happened frequently to me though, that's interesting.

Usually a clean/rebuild is enough to fix it.