
A simple lightweight music server

Primary LanguagePython


A lightweight music server for playing local files, with a retro user interface. Like mopidy but without the streaming. Perfect for running on a raspberry pi.

Written in python and vanilla.js.


Install the following python dependencies:

pip install bottle
pip install bottle-cors-plugin
pip install pygame
pip install music-tag

You may also need install some additional libraries (command for debian based systems):

sudo apt-get install libsdl2-mixer-2.0-0 libsdl2-image-2.0-0 libsdl2-2.0-0

Clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/malworthy/musicbox.git

Create a config.json file:

    "library" : "/path/to/library/",
    "host" : "localhost",
    "port" : 8080,
    "extensions" : ["mp3", "flac"]
  • Change "library" to point to your music library.
  • Change "host" to "" to allow remote connections to the server.
  • Change "port" if need the server to run on a different port.
  • Supported audio formats: mp3, ogg, wav and flac.

Update database with library:

python update_library.py --all

Run the server:

python server.py

Browse to UI: http://localhost:8080/ui

NOTE: replace 'localhost' with the address of server you are running off.

Install as a service

Example of installing as a service on a rasperry pi.

  1. Create the following file sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/musicbox.service
Description=MusicBox Music Server

ExecStart=/usr/bin/python3 /home/pi/code/musicbox/server.py

  1. Reload the daemon sudo systemctl daemon-reload

  2. Make sure service gets restarted on reboot sudo systemctl enable musicbox

  3. Start the service sudo systemctl start musicbox

  4. Check that it worked sudo systemctl status musicbox

User Guide


  • :clear - clear the current queue
  • :mix [name of mixtape] - save contents of current queue to a 'mixtape' (aka playlist)
  • :delmix [name of mixtape] - delete a mixtape
  • :rand [x] - add 'x' number of random songs to the queue
  • :hist - show history of songs played