- 2
Improvements to slmenu
#131 opened by stianhoiland - 1
- 2
Yedit: Reproducible crash related to auto indent
#132 opened by stianhoiland - 1
Add "sleep" command?
#129 opened by stianhoiland - 1
meand yori uninstalling
#128 opened by aranapatona - 1
Launching Yori from address bar in explorer.exe doesn't open Yori with correct path
#127 opened by stianhoiland - 2
Change color scheme in text editor?
#126 opened by stianhoiland - 3
Usage details for builtins?
#125 opened by stianhoiland - 1
Scroll buffer up/down with PGUP/PGDN?
#124 opened by stianhoiland - 2
- 2
CD Improvement
#122 opened by PIRANY1 - 2
- 2
fail to install yori-core on amd
#120 opened by diagrammatics - 1
- 2
YoriInit.ys1 script %__APPDIR__% and %__CD__% environment variables on Windows XP
#118 opened by aleaksunder - 2
throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
#119 opened by Tobi-Babalola123 - 2
"cab.exe -s -u" does not overwrite files with read-only and system attributes set
#115 opened by aleaksunder - 4
yenv: accept variable from stdin
#114 opened by t214c - 2
Can't run Notepad
#117 opened by bzzrak - 4
Implement long path pseudo current directory
#106 opened by RamonUnch - 3
current version -- 2.0 is marked as infected with a trojan by Windows Defender
#113 opened by ajalexei - 3
yori's lsof breaks react-scripts
#109 opened by iivmok - 2
Broken alias command for paths with spaces
#107 opened by ajalexei - 4
Yori installer for the arm64 Windows
#110 opened by ajalexei - 2
Feature request: Option in Tee to remove color
#108 opened by JimF42 - 2
- 2
Allow for a custom starting directory
#104 opened by polprog - 3
Scrolling with mouse wheel in Windows Terminal isn't working unless you hold down Shift while scrolling
#99 opened by mross002 - 4
yhash not supported in Windows XP
#98 opened by zoomosis - 5
Ctrl-C stops working after terminating GUI app once
#100 opened by jstarks - 2
- 20
If ErrorLevel / Is Yori Elevated ?
#97 opened by mdnava - 3
- 2
- 1
autocomplete for chinese path is weird
#96 opened by z0ow - 2
Yori doesn't handle PROMPT correctly?
#95 opened by bgianfo - 2
- 3
- 3
yedit support byte order mark
#90 opened by tenox7 - 2
move improperly ignores trailing \ or /
#92 opened by jstarks - 2
- 14
YECHO and double quotes escape with CMD
#83 opened by aleaksunder - 9
MOVE and ERASE do not raise ERRORLEVEL when file is locked with another process
#86 opened by aleaksunder - 8
Speed of execution degrades significantly using more than 10 pipes in script
#85 opened by aleaksunder - 1
Reverse search through history?
#87 opened by flriancu - 1
MOVE the content of directory to directory which is not exist will move the contents of subdirectories of original path to new one
#84 opened by aleaksunder - 2
- 3
- 1
ICONV adds extra line ending to it's output
#79 opened by aleaksunder - 1
Feature : utility to work with file/folder attributes like Read-Only, System, Hidden, etc.
#80 opened by aleaksunder