This is a Chrome extension that lets you scrape, download, chart, and extend your Capital bikeshare data.
To use it, you need two things:
- A Capital Bikeshare membership. (Get one here:
- The Chrome browser. (Get it here:
Load CapitalBikeshareBrags into your browser as an extension. Then navigate to your Trips page ( The extension will create a Capital Bikeshare Brags sidebar with three options: Calculate my Mileage, Download as CSV, and Chart My Data.
Each of the options triggers a javascript function in the background.js file.
Calculate my Mileage queries the Google Distance Matrix API with each of your trips to estimate the mileage logged. It displays high-level stats for the user, adds milage estmates to the CSV downloads, and enables the Chart function. The Google Distance Matrix API has a limit of 2,500 free calls per day, unfortunately.
Download as CSV builds a little CSV representation of your data and sends it to your Downloads folder. If you've calculated mileage, you get that data too.
Chart My Data uses highcharts.js to graph your miles logged per day and cumulative mileage.