
Binders and more to the Z3 SMT solver for Scala

Primary LanguageScala

ScalaZ3 for Scala 2.10

This is ScalaZ3 for Scala 2.10 and Z3 4.3. Switch to the branch '2.9.x' for Scala 2.9 support.

Downloading Z3

Z3 can be downloaded from the Z3 download site

Compiling ScalaZ3

Setup steps, for Linux

  1. Download Z3, and copy the include and lib files to z3/[z3version]/include and z3/[z3version]/lib respectively. (eg: z3/4.3-unix-64b/include/z3.h and z3/4.3-unix-64b/lib/libz3.so).

  2. Download sbt 0.12.x.

  3. Run 'sbt package' to create the jar file. It will be in target/[scalaversion]/scalaz3....jar and will contain the shared library required by the bindings.

  4. For testing, run

    LD_LIBRARY_PATH=z3/[z3version]/lib sbt test

Alternatively, start a console by running

LD_LIBRARY_PATH=z3/[z3version]/lib scala -cp target/[scalaversion]scalaz3.jar

then try, e.g.,


Setup steps, for Mac

  1. Download Z3, and copy the include and lib files to z3/[z3version]/include and z3/[z3version]/lib respectively. (eg: z3/4.3-osx-64b/include/z3.h and z3/4.3-osx-64b/lib/libz3.so).

  2. Download sbt 0.12.x.

  3. Run 'sbt package' to create the jar file. It will be in target/[scalaversion]/scalaz3....jar and will contain the shared library required by the bindings.

  4. For testing, run

    DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=z3/[z3version]/lib sbt test

Alternatively, start a console by running

DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=z3/[z3version]/lib scala -cp target/[scalaversion]scalaz3.jar

then try, e.g.,


Setup steps, for Windows

A) Download and install Z3 using the .msi installer

B) Download sbt (see 2 above).

C) The 'package' command in the current build script does not work with Windows; there is no equivalent for the gcc command. Run 'javah' so that it compiles the Java/Scala sources and generates the JNI header files.

D) Assuming you have copied the 'include' and 'bin' directories from the Z3 distribution in z3/[z3version], the following command should compile the shared library, assuming you have installed MinGW:

gcc -shared -o lib-bin\scalaz3.dll -D_JNI_IMPLEMENTATION_ -Wl,--kill-at -I "[jdkpath]\include" -I "[jdkpath]\include\win32" -I z3\[z3version]\include src\c\*.h src\c\*.c z3\[z3version]\bin\z3.lib

E) You can manually create a jar with the contents of target/[scalaversion] and lib-bin.