Git-Download is a command-line tool that allows you to download files from any site. Currently it only supports downloading zip files and unzipping them.
Why use this? This is an easy to use tool that allows you to download files that may otherwise be blocked by work/school systems.
Running in Gitpod will install everything needed and will run this in browser.
These steps below are already covered if opened in Gitpod:
- You'll need to have php installed, which can be found here.
- You'll also need ZipArchive, which can be installed with the command
sudo apt get install php7.4-zip
If not, you'll need to run the following commands:
git clone
cd Git-Download
- allows the user to download and unzip a zip file.
The zip command allows the user to downloand and unzip a zip file.
php commands/index.php zip [Link to file] [Folder]
Replace [Link to file] with the url of the zip file.
Replace [Folder] with the desired location of the contents.
- V.0.1.2
- Added version.txt for testing.
- V.0.1.1
- Changed syntax
- V.0.1.0
- First working build of Git-Download.
- Allows user to download zips and unzips them.