- abkfenris207
- bretttully
- carlosal1015National University of Engineering
- cndeng
- Conan-Kudo@VelocityLimitless
- dhirschfeldBrisbane, Australia
- dylanhtJurisica Lab, UHN
- fuxiaoyi
- gsw945pathea games
- iwatobipenDaiichi-Sankyo
- JBlaschkeNERSC, LBL
- jevinskieLafayette, Indiana
- jhcloos
- jinzaizhichi
- JohanMabilleQuantStack
- kozo2Tokyo, Japan
- laszlo-kissSentio Machina, Inc.
- LuisFRochNew York, New York
- lvyitian
- menghl
- michalwolsNew York
- mlzboy
- moutainriver
- mwiebeAWS Thinkbox
- Neustradamus
- nunofernandes-plightPhotonics Precision Technologies, The Intelligence of Information & FasterCapital
- phymucs
- PresleyHank
- pvergainTerre
- qrzhangWashington University School of Medicine
- shywel
- sophy7074
- UNISERVO1Prosper Marketplace
- wangsen992South Bend, IN
- GmbH
- zhaokai2014FNU