
Get the Discord Developer Badge with a Discord Bot.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Discord Active Developer Badge

A Discord bot that allows you to get the Discord Developer Badge


We start with the first condition you need to fulfill before starting the bot. We are using the discord.js version @14.14.1 for this Discord bot, That means you need to download the required packages for our Discord bot in your project folder. You do this with the following command: npm install discord.js@14.14.1

What do I need to do?:

  • 1.) First, you need to create a bot application here: https://discord.com/developers/applications
  • 2.) Once you have done this, go to the "General Information" tab, where you will find the Application ID (Client ID) and the Bot Token for your project.
  • 3.) Then go to the "Bot" tab and enable 3 intents: PRESENCE INTENT, SERVER MEMBERS INTENT, and MESSAGE CONTENT INTENT.
  • 4.) Download the required files from Github (Download in ZIP archive).
  • 5.) Unpack the ZIP file on your system (Under Linux, use the command: unzip <file>).
  • 6.) Once you have the files app.js, config.json in your directory where the Discord modules are (which you installed earlier with npm install discord.js@14.14.01), you can now edit the config.json (Guild ID (Server ID), Client ID (Bot ID).
  • 7.) If you done that, you can start the Bot now with the command: node app.js.
  • 8.) Wait 2 - 5 minutes and execute the command /help.
  • 9.) Now you can wait for 24 hours and visit this website: https://discord.com/developers/active-developer. That way, you can get the badge :)