
A fast TOML parser gem fully compliant with TOML v1.0.0

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Yet another TOML parser and generator.



Install the gem and add to the application's Gemfile by executing:

$ bundle add perfect_toml

If bundler is not being used to manage dependencies, install the gem by executing:

$ gem install perfect_toml

Parser Usage

require "perfect_toml"

# Decodes a TOML string
p PerfectTOML.parse("key = 42") #=> { "key" => 42 }

# Load a TOML file

# If you want Symbol keys:
PerfectTOML.load_file("file.toml", symbolize_names: true)

Generator Usage

require "perfect_toml"

# Encode a Hash in TOML format
p PerfectTOML.generate({ key: 42 }) #=> "key = 42\n"

# Save a Hash in a TOML file
PerfectTOML.save_file("file.toml", { key: 42 })

See the document for options.

TOML's value vs. Ruby's value

TOML's table is converted to Ruby's Hash, and vice versa. Other most TOML values are converted to an object of Ruby class of the same name: for example, TOML's String corresponds to Ruby's String. Because there are no classes corresponding to TOML's Local Date-Time, Local Date, and Local Time, PerfectTOML provides dedicated classes, respectively, PerfectTOML::LocalDateTime, PerfectTOML::LocalDate, and PerfectTOML::LocalTime.

require "perfect_toml"

p PerfectTOML.parse("local-date = 1970-01-01")
#=> { "local-date" => #<PerfectTOML::LocalDate 1970-01-01> }


PerfectTOML is 5x faster than tomlrb, and 100x faster than toml-rb.

require "benchmark/ips"
require_relative "lib/perfect_toml"
require "toml-rb"
require "tomlrb"

# https://raw.githubusercontent.com/toml-lang/toml/v0.5.0/examples/example-v0.4.0.toml
data = File.read("example-v0.4.0.toml")

Benchmark.ips do |x|
  x.report("emancu/toml-rb")     { TomlRB.parse(data) }
  x.report("fbernier/tomlrb")    { Tomlrb.parse(data) }
  x.report("mame/perfect_toml")  { PerfectTOML.parse(data) }
   mame/perfect_toml:     2982.5 i/s
     fbernier/tomlrb:      515.7 i/s - 5.78x  (± 0.00) slower
      emancu/toml-rb:       25.4 i/s - 117.36x  (± 0.00) slower


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/mame/perfect_toml.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.