
IE9,10,11 compatible web pack template. For developers constrained in enterprise environments but who wish to avail themselves of more modern web development tools. Includes SASS (SCSS), Typescript + babel loaders.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

IE 9,10,11 Web pack template

This is a barebones, very basic, IE 9 to 11 compatible Web pack template. It provides:

  • A Typescript 2.4 compiler (and preset tsconfig.json) and compatible webpack loader.
  • A SASS (SCSS) compiler and webpack css loader (by default outputs the compiled CSS into a separate CSS file).
  • Javascript uglify, minification and debug sourcemap output.
  • Optional global dependency resolution (via yarn installation script)
    • Execute this file to install all dev dependencies globally. Because the webpack.config file can resolve npm and yarn pacakges globally, you dont have to have multiple node_modules folders taking up valuable disk space.
    • Use this script when you need multiple repos to manage multiple projects that are based on this same template.


The instructions here are for configuring a machine with at least Windwos 7, and requires at least Node.js v8. All the package.json dependencies and versions should also work with this version of Node.js. It has been tested on Windows 7 and Windows 10 (1607).

  1. Clone the repo,
  2. Run yarn install to install modules locally or globalInstall.bat to install dependencies globally,
    • For global module resolution, you need to add a %NODE_PATH% user environment variable that points to the npm's or yarn's global node_modules cache (or both). For npm this is usually: %appdata%\npm\node_modules and for yarn this is %userprofile%\AppData\Local\Yarn\Data\global\node_modules.
    • NOTE: Enter either %appdata%\npm\node_modules or %userprofile%\AppData\Local\Yarn\Data\global\node_modules into the address bar of an Explorer window and it should resolve to the actual directory; it's the actual directory value that should be the value or values set for the %NODE_PATH% environment variable.
  3. Change whatever else suits you, (you can use npm instead of yarn for instance in package.config)
  4. Then execute yarn run watch.

There is no:

  • Separate development or production configuration (you can write that yourself by copying the webpack.config.js and adding respective build command in package.json)
  • No separate build command: the default yarn run watch should produce production ready output.
    • When deploying the output to production, obviously remove the sourcemaps that get generated to reduce the output size.

In order to be IE compatible:

  • It uses webpack 3 (the latest version as of June 2019 was 4.3.*)
  • This template is geared towards web development on Windows 7+; it includes a globalInstall.bat file to install dev dependencies globally (it uses yarn, but you can edit the file to use npm).
  • It does not launch a localhost server - this is because IE can be configured to use local file system paths when loading things; you can add that yourself, as the template is meant to be barebones.