:books: Web application for managing your kindle highlights
Pinned issues
- 2
Internal Server Error
#54 opened by balaji303 - 1
run on local server
#53 opened by sibambaspec - 1
It doesn't start
#52 opened by americodias - 2
The Notes themselves, not highlights
#51 opened by levYatsishin - 2
- 0 integration/plugin
#50 opened by mammuth - 0
Allow bulk deletion of highlights
#49 opened by mammuth - 7
Import highlights directly from Amazon
#21 opened by carmolim - 5
- 4
- 1
Importing from two Kindles?
#46 opened by Jolopu - 1
- 1
Error while uploading "My Clippings.txt"
#44 opened by tldrqss - 0
- 1
Can this work with Play Books?
#39 opened by ahattangadi - 3
Server Error at Random Quote on Page
#41 opened by balaji303 - 2
Allow user to delete certain clippings
#14 opened by mammuth - 1
Investigate & Fix errors on file upload
#26 opened by mammuth - 5
Store each uploaded My Clippings.txt file
#16 opened by mammuth - 0
Add book covers
#33 opened by JSerwatka - 8
- 0
Save author when uploading MyClippings.txt
#34 opened by JSerwatka - 1
Remove highlights
#36 opened by Moiz-I - 2
Books page
#31 opened by JSerwatka - 4
New Navbar link
#30 opened by JSerwatka - 0
Fix weekly and biweekly email deliveries
#23 opened by mammuth - 1
Filter random notes
#2 opened by mammuth - 0
Highlight search term in search results
#10 opened by mammuth - 0
Optimize personal statistics page on mobile
#15 opened by mammuth - 10
Project's DB set-up
#25 opened by JSerwatka - 1
- 0
Error importing Kindle clippings
#20 opened by mammuth - 3
- 1
- 0
Alexa Flash Briefing Skill & Google News Action
#13 opened by mammuth - 1
Last kindle clipping is not imported
#12 opened by mammuth - 1
Examine duplicated clippings after import
#11 opened by mammuth - 3
Include Instapaper?
#7 opened by derekvan - 0
Make issue list searchable & filter by books
#1 opened by mammuth - 0
- 0
Sharing possibilities in email
#6 opened by mammuth - 0
- 1
Personal email newsletter with x random notes
#3 opened by mammuth