
Time series forecasting for common inflators and economic indices using the forecast package in R.

Primary LanguageR


Time series forecasting for common inflators and economic indices using the forecast package in R.



Forecasting using standard time series methods a range of commonly used indices used by the EFA to assist in predicitng future costs and or uncertainity about such costs.

Tools and packages

we use the dygraphs package based on the javascript dygraphs charts plotting. Shiny is used for extra funcitonality. The ZRA package helped in combining all these tools.

Development plan

We start off with a minimal viable product forecasting using the default of the forecast function in Rob Hyndman's forecast package. The default is ETS for the commonly used indices, we intend to add ARIMA functionality and additional data later.


http://rstudio.github.io/dygraphs/ https://www.otexts.org/fpp