Flight discount system

In this repo you will find a showcase application (in Clojure) of rule based system for applying discounts to airline tickets.

More info on requirements and description in: ./assignment.md

Dev run


  • Typical posix x86 environment: macos/linux/WSL2(windows)
  • Base dependency: clojure 1.10.3, you need to have clj binary available
  • Run app (it will execute over one example and print before and after): clj -M -m discount.core
  • Run test (covers a couple more cases): clj -X:test

Derived Assumptions / Unclear

Normally I would just consult with team/product owner/users. However here I have to just take a stand on couple of important issues below.

  • Assignment suggests entrypoint to look like buyFlight(FlightId flightId, TenantId tenantId), I will diverge from this entrypoint to be more in tune with clojure (buy-flight flight tennant). This function takes a flight and tennant maps (with complete data) rather than just id. The system could be easily adapted to the id case, by adding a small wrapping function over entrypoint that would fetch data from source using ids.

  • Adding additional data to Flight - departure. Tenant/buyer is purchasing an actual flight and this flight must have a concrete departure(datetime). Departure cannot be inferred from:

    contains the ID, the route from, to, hour and days of the week of departure.

  • Also adding initial price to Flight. (to see more about structures used go: ./src/discount/specs.clj/)

  • Assuming discounts have atomic nature. They should only be applied in full or not at all. Discounts do not apply partially. Discounts will be applied in order.