
giant bomb lurker project

Primary LanguageJavaScript

GiantBomb Lurker

Initial assumptions

The purpuse of this is to provide interactive web interface for simple operations over GiantBomb API. I do not find a need to have any backend/server as most operations can happen directly over GiantBomb API (although we will need reverse proxy to bypass CORS).

Dev build

  • This project assumes typical x86 POSIX environment: linux/macos/WSL2(windows)
  • Core dependency: npm v8.1
  • Clone this repo using: git clone
  • Change dir to root of this project: cd giant-bomb-lurker/

Install dependencies:

npm install

Run GiantBomb proxy as background process (todo: create docker-compose to coordinate proxy+app):

./node_modules/.bin/lcp --proxyUrl https://giantbomb.com &

Info: Your proxy will be available at: http://localhost:8010/proxy

Run Application, but first set GB_API_KEY value to one provided in the email. (Since it is public repo, protecting a private key seems reasonable :))

GB_API_KEY="value_provided_via_email" npm run dev

Project should be available via svelte development server (supporting auto reloads). Visit using your browser http://localhost:5555/

Remember to clean up proxy process after you are finished

Make sure what your bg processes are, run: jobs and if lcp is first on the list: kill -TERM %1

Details of implementation

I am building SPA using js frontend. I am assuming target device of user/customer will be desktop. Styling and visual polish is kept to a minimum. This application will offer:

  • navigation: title + interactive search bar + cart link with number of items
  • view showing search results, with possibility to add/remove item to/from cart
  • checkout view which is a summary of the cart and button triggering alert of checkout "Processing not implemented"

Other remarks/notes:

  • We need to have a reverse proxy to bypass cors, in a perfect scenario this proxy would be customizable to take care of authentication (appending query API key), however seeking this perfect condition would create a small project on its own, so application will handle authentication.

  • Since this is frontend task with limited complexity and I have Svelte framwork familiarity. I am choosing it as base for my project. Normally I would study the paths forward a bit more, most likely react/reagent/re-frame/angular would be more viable choices for the customer/company in terms of maintanance and later modifications(depending on teams & traditions of the customer/company).

  • The application runs with ephemeral persistence. After page reload the cart will reset. Since persistence was not required and there are several ways to prvoide it, I have chosen to skip it. Easiest path would be to keep cartState locally using browser's localStorage api.

  • Another thing that seemed like really good idea is to add "more" button on search. I am skipping it due to time constraints + it was not defined in as requirement. I am just hinting here, that I would have consulted with the rest of team/product owner on this. I find it is important to provide access to remaining pages (search in API has limits for 10 items) and would recommend adding this.

  • Elephant in the room. There is no tests. I also feel a bit uneasy about it, but the scope of the app is small, setting up comprehensive testing for frontend projects (so that tests offer useful data) is a bit more complicated and most likely to be coordinated with more robust CI/CD, dev/prod environment setup (docker et al).