Ansible role build status

Ansible Role - ASCIIQuarium (for CentOS7)

Ansible Role - AWS CLI version2 (for CentOS7/CentOS8)

Ansible Role - Google Chrome(for CentOS7)

Ansible Role - Google Chrome Driver(for CentOS7)

Ansible Role - circleci-cli (for CentOS7/CentOS8)

Ansible Role - CMatrix (for CentOS7/CentOS8)

Ansible Role - cowsay (for CentOS7/CentOS8)

Ansible Role - Cureutils (for CentOS7)

Ansible Role - exa (for CentOS7/CentOS8)

Ansible Role - fortune (for CentOS7)

Ansible Role - Hugo (for CentOS7/CentOS8)

Ansible Role - jq (for CentOS7/CentOS8)

Ansible Role - Nyancat (for CentOS7/CentOS8)

Ansible Role - pong-command (for CentOS7/CentOS8)

Ansible Role - pyenv (for CentOS7)

Ansible Role - sl (for CentOS7/CentOS8)

Ansible Role - Terraform (for CentOS7/CentOS8)

Ansible Role - vim (for CentOS7/CentOS8)

Ansible Role - VNC Server (for CentOS7)

Ansible playbook build status

Ansible Playbook - Ansible (for CentOS7)

Ansible Playbook - ASCIIQuarium (for CentOS7)

Ansible Playbook - CMatrix (for CentOS7/CentOS8)

Ansible Playbook - Cowsay (for CentOS7)

Ansible Playbook - Cureutils (for CentOS7)

Ansible Playbook - Docker (for CentOS7)

Ansible Playbook - Fortune (for CentOS7)

Ansible Playbook - Jenkins install (for CentOS7)

Ansible Playbook - Nyancat (for CentOS7/CentOS8)

Ansible Playbook - pong-command (for CentOS7/CentOS8)

Ansible Playbook - RedMica (for CentOS7)


Ansible Playbook - Redmine (for CentOS7)


Ansible Playbook - Redmine restore (for CentOS7)

Ansible Playbook - sl (for CentOS7/CentOS8)

Ansible Playbook - VNC Server (for CentOS7)

Docker Image build build status

CentOS Images - Test environment for Ansible Molecule

Ansible Tools - Ansible, Ansible Lint, Molecule, Git and other tools are installed

CircleCI Executor - Ansible Molecule + Git installed

CircleCI Executor - Pakcer + Ansible + Git installed

Packer AMI build build status

Packer AMI build script - Register CentOS7 yum updated VM image to AWS EC2 AMI

Packer AMI build script - Register CentOS7 Jenkins installed VM image to AWS EC2 AMI

Packer AMI build script - Register CentOS7 Redmica installed VM image to AWS EC2 AMI

Packer AMI build script - Register CentOS7 Redmine installed VM image to AWS EC2 AMI

Packer AMI build script - Register CentOS7 Redmica restored VM image to AWS EC2 AMI

Packer AMI build script - Register CentOS7 Redmine restored VM image to AWS EC2 AMI

Packer AMI build script - Register CentOS7 VNC Server installed VM image to AWS EC2 AMI

Packer GCE image build build status

Packer GCE image build script - Register CentOS7 Redmica installed VM image to GCP GCE image

Packer GCE image build script - Register CentOS7 Redmine installed VM image to GCP GCE image

Packer GCE image build script - Register CentOS7 Redmica restored VM image to GCP GCE image

Packer GCE image build script - Register CentOS7 Redmine restored VM image to GCP GCE image