
making a simple gui for visualising electrical impedance tomography tasks

Primary LanguagePython

GUI based on pyEit project and customTkinter

What is it for?

This project is used to make work with pyEIT more user-friendly for non-programers

How to work with it?

To start a graphic user interface go to GUI and start "complicated_GUI.py". Consider installing all the libraries in "requirements.txt" first if it was not done automatically. When app started do following steps:

  1. Enter an integer number to average the measurement frames(a measurement frame is one complete impedance measurement between 16 electrodes) or leave blank space to default value of 1
  2. Click a button "Calculate" to make a backward reconstruction. It will take some time for program to make it. Only GREIT method is working for now

The idea of entering a number to average the measurement is to get rid of the noise

Used projects:

- customTkinter

Extended version of Tkinter library for making beautiful GUIs


- pyEIT

A project with broad functionality in the field of EIT


Who am i and what are my goals?

I'm a postgraduate electronics engineer student currently working on my phD. Python projects are not the only field of my interest, currently working on a project for 3D EIT reconstruction in java and a 2D reconstruction in C++


If you are interested in some sort of cooperation or have an idea to make this project better - here are my contacts: